The Best Idea for Strategy

I have been watching politics for a long time, and notice one important thing that each candidate should do in this election in our local debates and stops...

Ask the current incumbent what they have done for the people of the riding they represent. What have they done directly for the people in their riding.

the people can not let them go on spouting party lines.. thats called a non-answer..

Dropping 2% off the GST is a farce.. and its not the most hated tax of all time. INCOME TAX IS.

Force the local MP's to answer what they have done locally for the people.. make them look weak and pathetic on local issues that matter to everyday people..

Harper claims that he represents the everyday Canadian.. REALLY??? if he did and his party members did, they would not be passing laws like bill c-51 that make vitemins and minerals a require a prescription, and voting against enacting the kyoto accord.

Ask the HARDEST questions of the panels, and we need to make sure our local members of the Greens running for a seat have the best answers..

The conservatives, liberals and NDP are all going to tow the party line and stay the same thing. They wont answer questions on what they did for their constituency..

There is no local representation for what we the people want in Canada, its all about what the party leadership wants...

This election is not about getting our leader into the debates, this is about getting Canadians to critically think about who they are electing and IS this person REALLY representing my values.

On the national level we need our leader to point out lies and inconstancies of Harper and the other leaders.. point out their lies. and at the same time point out how we will solve that problem, not with a band aid solution

We need to go after each members records as how it relates on a local level, thats the winning ticket, all the way.

Lack of Local Voice

Thanks Michael,

We may also mention that backbench Conservatives, even if they're very nice guys, don't have a voice in Ottawa and can't represent their constituents. If there's a conflict between party line and local interests, Conservative MPs can't stand up for their riding. Therefore, there is no advantage for backbench incumbents.

Furthermore, for solidly Conservative ridings (ie. Alberta), we can point out that Harper promised $4.1 billion the week of the election, but only to close races. Not a cent for Saskatchewan or rural Alberta.

While being respectful of our local Conservative MPs, we can show that they have no voice, and hence no power.

Thanks and good luck,
Aden Murphy
Westlock-St. Paul

I also suggest

...debunking myths about the Green Party such as (pulled from the comments on the Globe and Mail website)

- "one-issue party"

- preserving the environment at the expense of the economy

- after looking past environmental concerns, it will become apparent that the Greens have no solid policy plan (my response: I think it is the most well thought out and long-term based policy plan out there, but people don't recognize it because they are so used to politicians governing the future by pretending it is the past)

Emma Stangl
CEO, Don Valley West
Green Party of Canada

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