October 17, 2008 | 15:46
CPAC on Your TV
CPAC / Video on Demand
October 11, 2008
Campaign Politics

Danielle Young reports on the Montreal riding of Outremont, where the NDP surprised many when it took away the seat from the Liberals in a by-election last year. Thomas Mulcair, the former Charest cabinet minister, is attempting to hold onto the seat for the NDP. The Liberals, who held on to this seat for decades, are pinning their hopes on 58-year-old Sébastien Dhavernas, an accomplished actor and musician. The Bloc candidate is criminal and family lawyer, Marcela Valdivia. The Conservatives are running entrepreneur and president of Quebec's Albanian community, Lulzim Laloshi. The Green candidate is François Pilon, a Montreal businessman, well known for his initiative to encourage the use of clothes lines among Montreal's urban community.
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