October 17, 2008 | 16:35
CPAC on Your TV
RSS FEEDS / News Releases / Programming Advisories

News Releases
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Programming Advisories
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Keep up-to-date on all the CPAC news and programming you want!

What is an RSS Feed?

RSS refers to Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication. Essentially, it delivers information directly to your Feed Reader, allowing you to receive the news and information you want as soon as it becomes available online. By simply adding CPAC’s RSS URL’s to your Feed Reader, you will receive our news and programming headlines, a brief summary of the article, and a link to the full text available via our website. For more information on RSS Feeds, click here.


  • You choose the news you want;
  • You determine when you receive the news;
  • Spam gets eliminated;
  • Information is easily syndicated based on your preferences.


How do you get a Feed Reader?

To subscribe to RSS Feeds, you need to download and install a Feed Reader (also known as an aggregator) to your web browser or computer. There are several different kinds of readers/aggregators available online for free download or purchase. Check out the following links to see which reader would suit you best:


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