Google 3D Warehouse

3D Warehouse Privacy Notice

3D Warehouse Privacy Notice

September 23, 2008

The Google Privacy Policy describes how we treat personal information when you use Google's products and services, including information provided when you use the 3D Warehouse. In addition, the following describes our privacy practices that are specific to the 3D Warehouse.

Personal Information

  • The 3D Warehouse lets you search, share and store 3D models. Anyone may search and download models, but to submit a model, you must log in using a Google Account. Google asks for some personal information when you create a Google Account, including your email address and a password, which is used to protect your account from unauthorized access. A Google Account allows you to access many of our services that require registration.
  • When you use 3D Warehouse, Google's servers automatically record certain information about your use of 3D Warehouse. Similar to other web services, Google records information such as account activity (e.g., storage usage, number of log-ins, actions taken), data displayed or clicked on (e.g., UI elements, links), and other log information (e.g., browser type, IP address, date and time of access, cookie ID, referrer URL).
  • 3D Warehouse stores, processes and maintains your content in order to provide the service to you.


  • Google maintains and processes your personal information in order to provide your 3D Warehouse access. Your nickname, but not other personal information, is displayed in connection with any model you upload to the 3D Warehouse and any collection you create in the 3D Warehouse.

Information sharing and onward transfer

  • Contact the Owner Feature.
    • When you fill out the "Contact the Owner" form within the 3D Warehouse, the content of that form and your email address will be provided to the collection or model owner through an email to the owner. Google will maintain a copy of that email in order to provide the functionality and to ensure compliance with the applicable terms of service.
    • If you are the owner of a collection or model within the 3D Warehouse, your email address will not be displayed to a user who contacts you using the contact the owner form in the 3D Warehouse. Your email address will only be displayed to that user if you elect to respond to the email sent to you from the user via the 3D Warehouse.
  • Google Groups Feature. If you use the Google Groups service from within the 3D Warehouse, to create a group or post a comment relating to a model or collection, for example, your use of that service will be governed by the terms of service, and the additional privacy provisions.
  • Share Feature.
    • In order to add another as a model collaborator, you must have their email address.
    • If you are a collaborator on a model, and you make a change to the model, the model owner will receive a notice that his or her model was edited, which may include your email address. The model owner can choose to accept or reject your changes.
    • If a model owner makes his model editable by anyone and you make a change to the model, the model owner will receive a notice that his or her model was edited. The notice will not include your email address, but may include a link to your models on 3D Warehouse. The model owner can choose to accept or reject your changes.

Your choices

  • If you are the owner of a collection or model you may elect not to receive emails about your collection or model from other users from within the 3D Warehouse by de-selecting the option to allow users to contact you.

More information

Google adheres to the US Safe Harbor privacy principles. For more information about the Safe Harbor framework or our registration, see the Department of Commerce's web site.

Learn more about Google 3d Warehouse.

For more information about our privacy practices, go to the full privacy policy. For questions concerning the product or your account, please check out the Google Help page.