Gemini Award-winning reporter David Akin is the National Affairs Correspondent for Canwest News Service and is based at the CNS Parliamentary Bureau in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
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    I receive no fees, considerations, etc. etc. for the posts on this blog nor do I have any plans to accept any. My salary is paid by Canwest Global Communications Corp. I work for that company as the Ottawa-based National Affairs Correspondent for Canwest News Service.
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    View Article  The Parliamentary Calendar and PM calendar

    With the announcement this afternoon that U.S. President George Bush will host leaders of the G20, including Canada, in Washington on Nov.... PMO types are saying sometime in the next two weeks for this although the buzz around Ottawa is that a new cabinet will, in fact, be sworn in at Rideau Hall on Monday, Oct. 27.

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    View Article  Maybe McCain should ask for some do-overs ...
    Mr. McCain referenced Mr. Murtha’s comments in his third stop of the day [in Pennsylvania], at Robert Morris University here, when he said, “I think you may have noticed that Senator Obama’s supporters have been saying some pretty nasty things about Western Pennsylvania lately.”... “And you know, I couldn’t agree with them more,” he said, to silence, and then wandered around in a verbal thicket before finally managing to say, “I could not disagree with those critics more; this is a great part of America.”   more »
    View Article  Brain food for the ailing

    Here's one that looks interesting -- it's a quick five-week course from Stanford University professor Martin Lewis called "The Geography of U.S. Presidential Elections."... I'm going to check out Donald Kagen's course on early Greek civilization; Ben Polak's introduction to game theory; and John Merriman's history of modern France.

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    View Article  The "Government Sachs" men ...
    ... and they all are men -- white men -- from famed New York investment bank Goldman Sachs who, for no clear reason, seem to end up playing key roles in central banks and finance departments around the world, a phenomenon which gets a fresh look from Julie Cresswell and ...   more »
    View Article  Rock and Roll: The live album

    200810152101 Hunter was the dude that put Mott the Hoople on the map and, on this record, released in 1980 and recorded over seven sold-out nights in beautiful, downtown Cleveland, he resurrects Mott the Hoople's most famous track "All the Young Dudes", the David Bowie-penned anthem that speaks to all of us who think we're just too hip to be cool.... Strangely enough, for someone who thinks The Clash is, in fact, the greatest band of all time and prefers, say, the 1980s smart white funk of The Talking Heads or The Gang of Four to, say, long-haired white guys in Grand Funk Railroad and The James Gang, I'm hard pressed to identify a terrific live record that wasn't made by, well, long-haired white guys.

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    View Article  Quick slices of Election 2008's numbers
    Based on the preliminary data up at Elections Canada's Web site this morning: 10 MPs with the highest vote totals and highest vote totals for the Libs, BQ, NDP and Greens.    more »
    View Article  Tory minister did not voter for her party: BQ
    Josée Verner is the Conservative Heritage Minister. She is her party's candidate in the Quebec City riding of Louis St. Laurent. But Verner lives in the riding of Portneuf-Jacques Cartier, the only riding in the country where there is no Conservative candidate and that is where, according to the BQ, ...   more »
    View Article  Today is election day: Please vote
    I can't remember where I first heard this but it made enough sense to me that I used it in a speech I gave when I was 15-years-old:

    "Bad governments are elected by good citizens who don't vote."

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    View Article  Election day weather: It looks soggy
    In the middle of winter in 2006, 14.9 million Canadians braved the cold to vote - a voter turnout of 64.7 per cent.

    Will that many Canadians put on a raincoat tomorrow to cast their ballot?   more »
    View Article  Races to watch: British Columbia and the North
    Some quick observations on B.C. and the Arctic ridings: BRITISH COLUMBIA BURNABY-DOUGLAS BURNABY-NEW WESTMINSTER Early in the campaign, Conservatives were boasting about knocking out NDP incumbents Peter Siksay in DOUGLAS and Peter Julian in NEW WESTMINSTER which, frankly, surprised me. I don't think the Tories are boasting any more. There ...   more »

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