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Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 10:40PM ET - U.S. Markets Closed.

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Top Financial News

Dow Closes Above 12,500 for First Time

AP -

Wall Street surged higher Wednesday, hurtling the Dow Jones industrials past 12,500 for the first time as year-end bargain hunters picked up stocks across a variety of sectors.

Today's Edition: All Business
All BusinessBest Careers 2007
Find out which careers are overrated and which fields are poised to take off in the new year. Plus, a forecast for pay raises in 2007.
Why the Rich Get Richer
Why the Rich Get RicherPeace Through Prosperity
by Robert Kiyosaki
Making war to achieve peace is absurd. Find out why fighting for financial equality is the only battle worth waging.
Featured Article
Smart Steps in 2007 to Pay for College
From establishing a savings budget to getting professional assistance, here are some strategies to help you save for college into the new year.

Investing Ideas

Market Summary

Dow12,510.57Up 102.94 (0.83%)
Nasdaq2,431.22Up 17.71 (0.73%)
S&P 5001,426.84Up 9.94 (0.70%)
10-Yr Bond4.654% Up 0.051
NYSE Volume1,667,374,000
Nasdaq Volume1,260,890,000
Indices: US - World | Most Actives

Brokers: E*TRADE FINANCIAL - TD AMERITRADE - Schwab Active Trader - Scottrade

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Closing Bell

Wed, Dec 27 - 4:55pm ET

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Loan TypeRateAPR
30-yr Fixed5.68%5.87%
15-yr Fixed5.44%5.73%
5/1 ARM5.5%6.87%
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Today's Poll

Q.What sector will perform best in 2007?

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