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Thursday, October 23, 2008   08:21 GMT    
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Mantoe Phakathi

MBABANE - The writing is on the wall. "WANTED -- Men who Believe that Wives are not for Beating," reads a poster on Nonhlanhla Dlamini's office wall.
CLIMATE CHANGE: Window of Opportunity Closing Rapidly
Stephen Leahy
UXBRIDGE, Canada - The global financial crisis has pushed climate change off the front pages despite new evidence that it is happening faster and with stronger impacts than previous projections, a new report warns.
POLITICS: Final Text of Iraq Pact Reveals a U.S. Debacle
Analysis by Gareth Porter*
WASHINGTON - The final draft of the U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces agreement on the U.S. military presence represents an even more crushing defeat for the policy of the George W. Bush administration than previously thought, the final text reveals.
Global Issues
Q&A;: 'Media Must Find a Way for the Message'
While there is clear evidence of growing global warming, "the political will to address it is still lacking," says Mohan Munasinghe, co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize as vice-chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
POLITICS: French Hand Seen in Western Sahara Impasse
CLIMATE CHANGE: Window of Opportunity Closing Rapidly
POLITICS: French Hand Seen in Western Sahara Impasse
The United States justifies Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia. The Russians fiercely oppose it. Washington considers Abkhazia as an integral part of Georgian territory. Moscow recognises it as a sovereign nation. Both major powers have no dispute, however, on the question of Western Sahara's independence from Moroccan control.
EGYPT: Food For The People
Asia - Pacific
CULTURE-NEPAL: Religious Tradition vs Maoist Secularism
Nepalis, religious and tradition-bound as they are, have in recent months worried over the fate of their centuries-old rituals and customs in the newly minted Maoist republic.
INDIA: Tata Motors Move to Gujarat Less Than Secular
Q&A;: "Musharraf Should Be Tried for High Treason"
RIGHTS-EUROPE: Turned Away at Gunpoint
Weapons were pointed directly at migrants trying to enter Italy during a recent operation coordinated by the European Union's border control agency, it has been alleged.
Q&A;: 'Media Must Find a Way for the Message'
ECONOMY: Asia-EU Summit to Address 'Financial Tsunami'
Latin America
CORRUPTION-PERU: Officials Charged in Oil Contract Scandal
An anti-corruption Peruvian prosecutor brought charges against one current and three former high-level officials and 10 other people in a scandal over alleged bribes in lucrative oil contracts awarded to Discover Petroleum, a Norwegian company.
COSTA RICA: Ready for a Woman President in 2010?
ECONOMY-CUBA: "Impossible to Escape Impact" of Crisis – Experts
Middle East & Mediterranean
EGYPT: Tall Claims Only Lower Confidence
Following the volatile reaction of international markets to the U.S. financial meltdown, Egyptian officialdom has hastened to reassure a skittish public that the local economy would be spared the worst effects of the global crisis. Many independent commentators, however, are not so sure.
POLITICS: Final Text of Iraq Pact Reveals a U.S. Debacle
RIGHTS-SRI LANKA: Migrants Deaf to Death Penalty Warnings
North America
BOOKS: Is the Sun Setting on U.S. Empire?
The unlikely political journey of Andrew J. Bacevich has been one of the most potent symbols of the transformation in foreign policy debates wrought by the George W. Bush years.
Q&A;: "Musharraf Should Be Tried for High Treason"
POLITICS: Final Text of Iraq Pact Reveals a U.S. Debacle
Q&A;: 'Media Must Find a Way for the Message'
While there is clear evidence of growing global warming, "the political will to address it is still lacking," says Mohan Munasinghe, co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize as vice-chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
CLIMATE CHANGE: Window of Opportunity Closing Rapidly
ENVIRONMENT-AUSTRALIA: Eat Kangaroos to Save Climate?
Human Rights
RIGHTS-EUROPE: Turned Away at Gunpoint
Weapons were pointed directly at migrants trying to enter Italy during a recent operation coordinated by the European Union's border control agency, it has been alleged.
INDIA: Tata Motors Move to Gujarat Less Than Secular
COSTA RICA: Ready for a Woman President in 2010?
HEALTH: Swaziland About To Eliminate Malaria
Hot on the heels of Mauritius, health experts predict Swaziland will be the second country in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to eliminate malaria.
Q&A;: Fistula Turns Women Into Outcasts
DEVELOPMENT: Cell Phone Service, But No Toilets
Civil Society
Q&A;: 'Media Must Find a Way for the Message'
While there is clear evidence of growing global warming, "the political will to address it is still lacking," says Mohan Munasinghe, co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize as vice-chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
COSTA RICA: Ready for a Woman President in 2010?
SRI LANKA: War May Cost Trade Benefits From EU
News in RSS
RIGHTS-EUROPE: Turned Away at Gunpoint
EGYPT: Tall Claims Only Lower Confidence
CULTURE-NEPAL: Religious Tradition vs Maoist Secularism
Q&A;: 'Media Must Find a Way for the Message'
INDIA: Tata Motors Move to Gujarat Less Than Secular
CORRUPTION-PERU: Officials Charged in Oil Contract Scandal
POLITICS: French Hand Seen in Western Sahara Impasse
BOOKS: Is the Sun Setting on U.S. Empire?
COSTA RICA: Ready for a Woman President in 2010?
Q&A;: "Musharraf Should Be Tried for High Treason"
JAMAICA: Brutal Killings Put Focus on Child Protections
ECONOMY-CUBA: "Impossible to Escape Impact" of Crisis – Experts
All Headlines >>
UNITED NATIONS: Inside the Glass House
Strategies to preserve and increase the support base for global sustainable development - the role of the media - October 23, 2008
Nuclear Ambirions
IRAQ - Beyond the Green Zone
POLITICS: Final Text of Iraq Pact Reveals a U.S. Debacle
US/IRAQ: "We Have to Share This Pain"
Q&A;: "The U.S. President Is Not a King"
Q&A;: "How Does Killing Impact Individual Soldiers?"
BOOKS-IRAQ: Kurdish Jews Recall a Paradise Lost
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Confronting Climate Change
Q&A;: 'Media Must Find a Way for the Message'
CLIMATE CHANGE: Window of Opportunity Closing Rapidly
ENVIRONMENT-AUSTRALIA: Eat Kangaroos to Save Climate?
OIL SANDS-PART 3: Biggest Customer Has Second Thoughts
ENVIRONMENT: EU Move Against Illegal Timber 'Toothless'
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Most popular stories this week
POLITICS-US: Powell Marks Latest Republican Defection
POLITICS: Final Text of Iraq Pact Reveals a U.S. Debacle
CAMBODIA/THAILAND: Temple Row May Lead to Wider Conflict
SPAIN: Only Banks Get Aid, Anti-Poverty Protesters Complain
ECONOMY-US: No Joy in Hooverville
US/AFGHANISTAN: Moving Towards a 'Grand Bargain'
ECONOMY: Threat of 'Major Global Recession' Tied to Bird Flu
DEVELOPMENT: South America Fights Poverty Its Own Way
POVERTY-AFRICA: Leaders Cannot Close Their Ears
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Financial Meltdown
U.S. Elections 2008
POVERTY:  The World Acts Up
Analysis - IPS Inter Press Service
Tall Claims Only Lower Confidence
Analysis by Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani
CAIRO, Oct 23 (IPS) - Following the volatile reaction of international markets to the U.S. financial meltdown, Egyptian officialdom has hastened to reassure a skittish public that the local economy would be spared the worst effects of the global crisis. Many independent commentators, however, are not so sure.
Oil Sands: Inside Canada's Black Gold Rush
3-Part Series by Chris Arsenault
PART 1: Showdown at Ft. McMoney
PART 2: "Where I Come From Is Ground Zero"
PART 3: Biggest Customer Has Second Thoughts
Feeding the Future
Towards Doha - Better Financing for Development
Millennium Development Goals
Q&A one-on-one with IPS
'Media Must Find a Way for the Message'
  Sabina Zaccaro interviews IPCC vice-chairman MOHAN MUNASINGHE
"Musharraf Should Be Tried for High Treason"
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Reviving the Family Farm
  Raúl Pierri interviews LAUDEMIR ANDRÉ MÜLLER, Brazilian expert on agriculture
Fistula Turns Women Into Outcasts
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"Profit Is Enemy Number One of the Environment"
  Daniela Estrada interviews MARCEL CLAUDE*
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