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  Summer, 2006

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 Stories from Caledonia

• Manitoba gives portion of lottery revenues to First Nations communities
The Manitoba government will be transferring about $20 million in lottery revenue to First Nations communities in Manitoba over the next five years...     MORE...

• Winnipeg urban group has funding cut off
The Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg has had its federal funding cut off after it was determined that the organization is mired in debt...     MORE...

• Canada tries to buy African states at UN to delay UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights
Canadian representatives at the United Nations are attempting to bribe African member states in order to buy their support for a motion...     MORE...

• Mohawks occupy Ontario housing development
A housing development project in southern Ontario has been put on hold after a group of Mohawks took control of the land in protest.     MORE...

• Federal money now available to pay part of Caledonia bill, Ontario claims
Despite some initial resistance, the federal government has indicated it may end up shouldering some of the cost associated with the Caledonia standoff in southern Ontario.     MORE...

• Feds must play larger role in Caledonia says Ontario premier
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said recently that the federal government has agreed with the province that it must play a larger role in ensuring that the standoff in Caledonia ends...     MORE...

• Illegal election investigation forces ouster of chief
A Manitoba chief has been turfed, along with some other band councillors, after being investigated for illegal election activities.     MORE...

Other Stories

• Mayoral candidates shun Sudbury Aboriginal debate
• Quebec Aboriginal group targets Anti-Native racism
• AMC commissions major study on youth suicide
• Mιtis group concerned about candidate for Alberta PC leadership
• Water-troubled Kashechewan offered chance to relocate
• First Nations from across BC join together in signing unity protocol
• Feds asked to stop development on contested land - again!
• Majority of growing illegal tobacco trade originates on reserves
• Mιtis harvesting rights on trial
• Caledonia dispute sets off jurisdiction war
• Stephen Harper for Chief?

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