
Top headlines

Last updated: Dec 14, 2006 5:01 PM PT
Gore: Scientists must warn the public

Gore: Scientists must warn the public

Al Gore tells the scientific community it must step up and help the public understand the dangers of global warming.
Video: Censoring science?
Video: U.S. media consumption

The wisdom of crowds teaches tech lessons

The wisdom of crowds teaches tech lessons

Prediction markets have some smart things to say about everything from DRAM prices to when Microsoft software will be finished.
Photos: Tech predictions

Google shows Web 2.0 folks the money

Google shows Web 2.0 folks the money

year in review A swarm of start-ups converging around online apps and social media feeds Google's acquisition appetite.

Adobe to release Photoshop CS3 beta on Friday

Photoshop beta will have native Mac support; also coming are CSS Advisor and Ajax tools for Web designers.

Cingular turns cell phones into wallets in N.Y. trial

Company tests new service that will let Nokia phones be used in stores that accept MasterCard's PayPass contactless payment cards.

Pollution declining in parts of eastern U.S.

Controls imposed on coal-burning power plants are making it easier to breathe in Ohio River Valley, a new study says.

Ignoring an inconvenient truth

perspective CNET's Charles Cooper says there may be good reasons why we don’t want to know about global warming. But time is running short.

Feds defend approval of telecom megamergers

In court filing, the Justice Department tries to fend off criticism of analysis approving mergers between AT&T; and SBC and Verizon and MCI.

Attack code published for third Word flaw

Code could be used to crash or commandeer PCs, security firms warn. But Microsoft hasn't yet confirmed the vulnerability.

Homeland Security chief defends Real ID plan

Dismissing privacy concerns, Michael Chertoff says electronically read IDs will make the country more secure.

U.K. considers wiki to ease patent bottleneck

Proposal would set up peer review of patents via wiki before they are submitted to government examiners.

Searching for your MIT mate? Try iFind

With technology combining tracking and instant messaging, students can see where on campus their Wi-Fi card-carrying buddies are.
Images: Finding friends on MIT's campus

Microsoft tries to stop Vista piracy monster

The software maker releases an update to the operating system designed to thwart a workaround dubbed "frankenbuild."

Briefly: Sony keeps targets for PS3 shipments

Plus: Alltel smart phones get Sharpcast photo syncing... Symantec adds server-based crypto backup... Verizon president to retire... HP buys into data warehousing...

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