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The Problem With House Prices

Unrepaired damage from the housing bust is holding back a true recovery.

Alexis Beauclair

Activists ‘Feel the Bern?’

Responses to disruptions at Bernie Sanders’ events raise issues about the relationship between moderate whites and black activists. comment icon Comments


Republicans Against Retirement

Why have most Republican candidates vowed to limit Social Security? Because they really answer to the relatively few people who oppose it. comment icon Comments


Build a New Hudson River Tunnel

The antiquated rail tunnels need a long-term solution and proper funding. comment icon Comments

Taking Note

Sorry I’m Late Again, Boss…

With chaotic commuting delays on Monday morning, New Jersey travelers took to Twitter to air their feelings on NJ Transit and Governor Chris Christie.

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Citizens Bank Shortchanged Depositors

The bank is now paying the price for not correcting deposit discrepancies.

Op-Ed Contributor

Robot Weapons: What’s the Harm?

The fear of unleashing “Terminator” robots is misplaced. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

India Finally Faces Up to an Ugly Reality

The India I live in today is more aware than ever before of the environmental horrors of its cities and towns. comment icon Comments


Iran and American Jews

Netanyahu makes another unsubtle pitch for Congress to undermine Obama. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

Japan's Plutonium Problem

The country can't safely store its nuclear waste, so it should pay other states to take it.

Op-Ed Contributor

Ebola Isn’t Over Yet

A New York City doctor who survived the virus in 2014 argues that the greatest danger now is from fatigue and inaction.

Taking Note

Facts & Figures: Bernie Sanders Gets an Online Upswing

Facebook interest in the senator from Vermont more than doubled last week, according to The New York Daily News.


Scaling China’s Great Firewall

The government hopes to foster an Internet society that doesn't concern itself with politics or current affairs. comment icon Comments

Room for Debate

What College Students Care About

Room for Debate asked college students: What is the most important issue to you in the 2016 presidential election?

Opinionator | The Stone

When Vegans Won’t Compromise

The strict abolitionist approach to animal cruelty has moral logic, but little practical use.

Op-Ed Contributor

Iranians Dare to Hope

The nuclear deal factors enormously in the lives of every Iranian living in the country and even some living outside.


Brazil’s Rising Turbulence

Despite the relentless pounding from the Petrobras scandal, the nation’s democratic institutions hold firm.


India’s Government Censorship

Widening threats to free speech mock the prime minister's commitment to an open society.


Mom Plans, God Laughs

Summer is what happens when you’re busy making other arrangements.

News Analysis

Vacation in Rome? Or on That Oil Rig?

From scuba diving schools to prisons, new ideas for old offshore platforms.


The Junk Politics of 2015

The candidates are offering us nothing but empty calories. comment icon Comments


Introducing Donald Trump, Diplomat

The billionaire braggart running for president concedes, “Sometimes I do go a little bit far,” then adds: “Heidi Klum. Sadly, she’s no longer a 10.” comment icon Comments


How California Is Winning the Drought

The state’s scorching summer of 2015 is showing us that we know what to do when it comes to conserving water — we just have to do it. comment icon Comments


Lightning Round With Donald Trump

Maureen Dowd shares some of Trump’s rapid-fire impressions about his rivals and other boldfaced names.


The Closing of the Canadian Mind

The tenure of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has seen the slow-motion erosion of the country’s reputation for open, responsible government. comment icon Comments

The Upshot

Is Hillary Clinton Really in Danger of Losing the Primary?

Her favorability ratings are way down, but her position remains very strong. Here’s why. comment icon Comments

Loose Ends

Kale, With Fudge on Top

Snacking is guilt-free, once you realize chips and beer are good for you.

Opinionator | Draft

Puzzling Through My Fiction

What I learned about writing from doing crossword puzzles.

Food Chains

The Mystery of San Marzano

Beware the tomato that masquerades as a true Italian.


How to Help the Middle Class

Readers take issue with a chief executive’s prescription.


Aid for Mentally Ill People

Fountain House writes that “increased investment must be made in community-based mental health programs that provide comprehensive supports.”


Remarried Catholics

A former priest says the pope’s move to reintegrate divorced Catholics “is encouraging to a generation of Catholics more accustomed to pontifical fiat.”


Louisiana’s Post-Katrina Rebuilding

Efforts to manipulate nature aren’t the answer, a Tulane law professor writes.


Job Inequality for Latinos in New York

The Campaign for Fair Latino Representation writes that the mayor’s continuing failure to address the problem will cost him Latino support.


Oliver Sacks: Sabbath

Aidan Koch

The seventh day of the week, the seventh day of life. comment icon Comments

The Strip

The Sugar Water Workout

August 16, 2015 -- By Brian McFadden

Stop counting calories and start raising your blood sugar with this new plan.

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Sorry I’m Late Again, Boss…

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