By making small changes in our homes and on the road, we can do our part to protect the climate.
FIND OUT how you can receive up to $12,345 tax free for home energy improvements...
Community Leaders: people who are making a difference
Building a Better City:
every aspect of how we build our city is changing. Find out how.
Running a
Sustainable City
Our City recognizes the importance of leadership. It needs to "walk-the-talk" in its own operations if it expects its citizens to change. Learn More.
Brochure Cover Climate Protection Progress Report: Significant progress has been made towards meeting the targets set in the corporate and community Climate Change Action Plans. Learn more. Green Building Green Homes Program: On June 26, 2008 City Council unanimously approved changes to the Vancouver Building By-law for one and two family dwellings. View Council Report. electric vehicles

Electric Vehicles: We are moving closer to being an electric vehicle friendly city. From requiring dedicated electric plug-in outlets to adding a plug-in electric vehcile to our fleet. Learn more.