Industry Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Site Search

Repository of all Industry Canada content with the exception of content contained in the specialized searches below.


Specialized Searches

Canadian Company Capabilities
Repository of 60 000 Canadian companies, including business profiles, that can supply you with goods and services.

Search for a Federal Corporation
Database of business entities that are federally incorporated.

Canadian Copyrights Database
Registry of copyrights dating back to 1991.

Canadian Patents Database
Repository of patent descriptions and images dating back 75 years.

Canadian Trade-marks Database
Collection of active and inactive trade-marks.

Canadian Industrial Designs Database Database of more than 10 000 Canadian industrial designs.

Industry Portfolio Search
Aggregated content collection from federal departments and agencies that make up the Industry Portfolio.

International Market Research Reports — STAT-USA/Internet
Business, trade and economic information provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce.