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Real Time and Delayed Stock Quotes

Stock Quotes are available in delayed mode (15 - 20 minute delay, no exchange fees) or real time mode, for which the exchanges charge a monthly fee. Fees vary by exchange. You can opt to use real time quotes for some exchanges and delayed quotes for others.

Click here for additional information on subscribing to real time quotes.

The current quote for a stock is known as Level 1 data, showing the most recent trade and the current bid and ask information. Historical prices/volumes for charting are available as far back as the 1980s for a variety of frequencies.

Level 1 data

Level 2 data shows the entire order book for a stock (primarily based on limit orders). In the level two display below, the left side shows what people are willing to pay to buy a stock (i.e., bid) and the right side shows what people are willing to sell a stock for (i.e., ask). Each price tier is shown separately.

Level 2 data

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