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Spectators line the route of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch Relay on Feb. 11, 2010 in Coquitlam, B.C.

Thursday, February 11, 2010 4:41 PM

Stephen Harper delivers paen to patriotism
in B.C. Legislature

Jane Taber

Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants Canadians not to be shy or embarrassed about their patriotism, even though most tend to associate “boisterous displays of nationalism” with other countries.

In a rare speech to the B.C. Legislature today, the Prime Minister spoke of what it means to be Canadian, apologizing at times for the wrongs the country has done but challenging citizens to be patriotic during the Olympic Games and “celebrate together.”

The subtext of his speech was that Canada is a confident country now, and ready to “stand on guard for itself.”

And he even injected a little shout out to his government’s recession-busting Economic Action Plan. Canada “has shown during this global recession, and it will show during these Games, that it can compete and win against the very best,” he said according to prepared remarks.

Mr. Harper was speaking in Victoria on the eve of the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Games. He has been in British Columbia since yesterday and is also expected to take in some events.

His speech to the legislature is a “first,” he pointed out, saying “no Prime Minister has ever formally addressed this great assembly” since B.C. joined Confederation in 1871.

In keeping with his theme of patriotism and pride, he spoke of the risks and sacrifices athletes must take to win, comparing them to the risks and sacrifices of Canadian troops in Afghanistan. He said says Canadian soldiers are serving not “for conquest and advantage but simply to spread our gifts of freedom, democracy and justice to make the world a little safer, a little better.”

This was as an emotional speech that Mr. Harper has ever given. But it was not a speech without controversy.

First, there was an issue as to who actually invited who. In his remarks today, Mr. Harper thanked the Speaker of the House “for providing me with this special opportunity.”

Reports out of Victoria last week suggested that the Prime Minister, through his office, had invited himself to the legislature. Premier Gordon Campbell said later the Speaker had extended the invitation.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper makes an address to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia in Victoria on Thursday, February 11, 2010.

And then there is the issue of the Prime Minister speaking to a legislature that is actually in session while the House of Commons in Ottawa is shuttered because of his decision to prorogue. The Liberals have been having lots of fun with this.

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff joked last week that perhaps the Prime Minister was travelling to the Victoria legislature to prorogue it. And yesterday, the Liberals released a letter from Mr. Ignatieff to B.C. MLAs: “I am writing to you as fellow parliamentarians... to ask you a favour.

“Prime Minister Harper will be addressing your legislature tomorrow. We think that having the Prime Minister of Canada address the B.C. Legislature is a commendable way to mark the Winter Olympics coming to British Columbia. So I want to congratulate you on this important event.

“Here in Ottawa, we haven’t been quite so lucky. Not only can we not get Mr. Harper inside our legislature these days, but he’s actually gone to the extreme of shutting down Parliament altogether.”

So he asked them to ask questions of Mr. Harper about the environment, job creation and his bullying of independent federal watchdogs, such as the former commissioner of the RCMP Complaints Commission and Military Police Commission.

“I know this is a long shot,” he wrote. “Mr. Harper absolutely refuses to answer questions that make him uncomfortable, especially when they come from the media or from his fellow elected officials. But given the unprecedented situation, I’m sure you will agree that it is worth the try.”

Mr. Ignatieff is coming to Vancouver for the opening ceremonies.

The Prime Minister, meanwhile, used this speech too to point out that these Games are about more than just sports.

For Canada and British Columbia, he said, these sorts of events serve as “historic markers of where a community is going and how its people see themselves.”

He also used his platform to speak of the character of Canadians, saying that “when we have done wrong … we have tried to learn from those wrongs.” He included the Chinese head tax and the Indian residential schools as examples of misdeeds for which the government apologized.

And in a curiously-worded passage, he spoke of the “things” that have been “done around the world in the name of national pride or love of country that would have been better left undone.”

“Yet, we should never cast aside our pride in a country so wonderful, in a land we are so fortunate to call home merely because the notion has sometimes been abused,” he said.

Concluding, the Prime Minister said the country “will ask the world to forgive us this uncharacteristic outburst of patriotism, of our pride, to be part of a country that is strong and confident.”

(Photo: Olympic fans wait for the torch to pass by in Vancouver's suburbs today. Getty Images)

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Ottawa Notebook Contributors

Jane Taber, senior political writer

Jane Taber

Jane Taber has been on Parliament Hill since the Mulroney days, first writing for the Ottawa Citizen in 1986. Since then, she's reported for a small television network, WTN, and for the National Post before joining The Globe’s parliamentary bureau in 2002. She is the senior political writer and also co-host of Question Period, which airs Sundays on CTV.

John Ibbitson

John Ibbitson

John Ibbitson started at The Globe in 1999 and has been Queen's Park columnist and Ottawa political affairs correspondent. Most recently, he was a correspondent and columnist in Washington, where he wrote Open and Shut: Why America has Barack Obama and Canada has Stephen Harper. He returned to Ottawa as bureau chief in 2009. Before joining The Globe, he worked as a reporter, columnist and Queen’s Park correspondent for Southam papers.


Steven Chase

Steven Chase has covered federal politics in Ottawa for The Globe since mid-2001. He's previously worked in the paper's Vancouver and Calgary bureaus. Prior to that, he reported on Alberta politics for the Calgary Herald and the Calgary Sun, and on national issues for Alberta Report. He's had ink-stained hands for far longer though, having worked as a paperboy for the (now defunct) Montreal Star, the Winnipeg Free Press, the Vancouver Sun and the North Shore News.

Deputy Ottawa bureau chief Campbell Clark

Campbell Clark

Campbell Clark has been a political writer in The Globe and Mail’s Ottawa bureau since 2000. Before that he worked for The Montreal Gazette and the National Post. He writes about Canadian politics and foreign policy. He stopped being fascinated by ShamWow commercials after that guy’s nasty incident in Florida, but still wonders if one can really pull a truck with that Mighty Putty stuff.


Bill Curry

A member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery since 1999, Bill Curry worked for The Hill Times and the National Post prior to joining The Globe in Feb. 2005. Originally from North Bay, Ont., Bill reports on a wide range of topics on Parliament Hill. He is very protective of the office’s brand new copy of O’Brien & Bosc, the latest Parliamentary rule book.


Gloria Galloway

Gloria Galloway has been a journalist for almost 30 years. She worked at the Windsor Star, the Hamilton Spectator, the National Post, the Canadian Press and a number of small newspapers before being hired by The Globe and Mail as deputy national editor in 2001. Gloria returned to reporting two years later and joined the Ottawa bureau in 2004. She has covered every federal election since 1997 and has done several stints in Afghanistan.


Daniel Leblanc

Daniel Leblanc studied political science at the University of Ottawa and journalism at Carleton University. He became a full-time reporter in 1998, first at the Ottawa Citizen and then in the Ottawa bureau of The Globe and Mail. While he likes the occasional brown envelope, he is also open to anonymous emails.


Stephen Wicary

Stephen Wicary has been with The Globe since 2001, working on the news desk as a copy editor, page designer, production editor and front page editor. During the U.S invasion of Iraq, he pulled a three-month stint as overnight editor of the website. He moved to the parliamentary bureau at the end of 2008 to bolster online political coverage.