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Finance Minister Jim Flaherty

Betting on a recovery, with little room for bad news

Success of the Conservative stimulus plan may be a reasonable hope, but one fraught with risks


Harper spends big, but can he go back?

Now that the Prime Minister has admitted there is a place for big government, has he crossed the philosophical Rubicon?

Budget erases funding for key science agency

Organization that finances large-scale science is ignored, putting jobs, research and Canada's international reputation at risk

Ignatieff okays budget, with conditions

Tories agree to provide fiscal reports subject to confidence votes; NDP, Bloc, forced to concede coalition is dead

Ottawa moves to open credit flows

Budget measures will improve access to credit; government steps up plan for national securities regulator, but backs off interest deductibility

Strings attached to infrastructure funds

Cities warn their hands will be tied unless rules ease impact of ‘use-it-or-lose-it threat' on municipal budgets

Stimulus falls short for many women

Recessions hit mothers hard, but they benefit less from income-tax cuts and infrastructure spending

Budget offers a $70-billion credit kickstart

Ottawa also proposes new powers for the finance minister and CDIC

Earlier discussion

Rob Carrick

Rob Carrick on the 2009 federal budget

Earlier discussion on how Ottawa's budget proposals will affect your pocketbook

Earlier Discussion

Trent Henry

The budget and you

Ernst & Young's Trent Henry took your questions on the budget tax measures

Jeffrey Simpson


A reasonable prescription for pain relief

From a low-tax, no-deficit government, Tuesday's budget was a shocker

Globe editorial

Missed chance to build toward Canada's future

There is no single great, stirring national project in this budget, no compelling direction

Budget Highlights


Tax relief and major spending projects

From tax breaks for lower income earners to infrastructure projects from coast to coast


Flaherty's got deficit religion – but can he attain fiscal salvation?

Derek DeCloet

A balanced budget by 2014? Don't bet on it

Personal Finance

'The heart of this budget is at home'

Rob Carrick

New renovation tax credit tops out at $1,350



Earth's cities, as seen from space

Global bailouts

Economy interactive

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty

How Canada's boom fizzled



What previous governments did

As Canadians wait to see how the Tories deal with this economic crisis, reporter Michael Valpy looks back at previous governments and how they dealt with a depression, a recession and a deficit.

Tory cabinet reveals $6-billion worth of budget initiatives

Further advance information on the budget is expected today

As House opens, spotlight is on Ignatieff

Liberal Leader will make Conservatives wait until Wednesday to learn whether their government will survive

The Budget: Prime Minister needs to build confidence

Harper could take some tips from Obama about how to convince people he has a viable plan to aid economic recovery

The strategists: Pundits want a budget with brains and heart

What message needs to be delivered by the government (as well as the opposition) in today's Throne Speech and tomorrow's budget to instill confidence that the economic crisis is being taken seriously, without causing further panic or alarmism?

Timeline: The lost two months

From the November economic statement to a January budget, by way of crisis

Harper's words carry a softer tone

Gone is the brinkmanship; Ignatieff amused to hear echoes of his own statements

Ignatieff blasts Harper's deficit ‘games'

Liberal Leader accuses PM of being an economic fumbler and says he will demand more than passing grade from next week's budget before deciding whether to support it

Spending plans: The wish lists

Groups across Canada know just what should be in the federal budget: a sampling


Canadian culture back on the national agenda

National Arts Training Contribution Program will get an additional $20-million over the next two years

Money for bricks, but not talent

University researchers say there isn't enough new funding to close the gap with American universities

Shipbuilding and transit spending for B.C.

Vancouver's rail station will also be modernized in preparation for the 2010 Olympic Games

Aboriginal spending tops $1.4-billion

Projects range from skills training and housing to reserve infrastructure improvements

Communities eager to upgrade arenas

'We have the projects identified, we have a list of priorities, and we are ready to go'

Union Station revitalization will be a marquee project

But infrastructure spending plan doesn't increase the amount municipalities will receive

The budget: Shock therapy

The Conservatives will try to resuscitate the economy with a wave of spending and tax cuts, joining other governments in turning on the taps

Canadian organizations react to budget

A survey of press releases as Canada's professional associations weigh in on the budget

A budget to drive spending

Ottawa to announce range of measures from tax breaks to interest relief on credit cards

Ontario may increase deficit to match federal projects

Premier says federal measures will call for new spending on the part of the province

The Globe's view 

Globe editorial: Waiting for some imagination

The federal budget needs greater imagination and focus than the revelations that have preceded it

Globe editorial: Research – a public good

The federal budget needs to encourage scientific and medical research in Canada

Globe editorial: Anchors to secure the future

Canadians sacrificed too much in the 1990s to bring their government into surplus for a return to an endless cycle of structural deficits

Globe editorial: Need and stimulus

Putting money in the hands of low- and moderate-income Canadians as a way to stimulate spending makes more sense than broad-based middle-class tax cuts

Globe editorial: Productivity before stimulus

There are much more ambitious forms of infrastructure that go beyond replacing what we already have

Globe editorial: Principles for economic revival

Budget should do no harm, and put people first

Earlier Discussions 

Earlier discussion: Heather Scoffield on the budget & economy

The Globe's economics reporter discussed the government's options

Earlier discussion: Top Conservative MP took questions

Ted Menzies, the parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Finance, discussed the goverment's plans for the recession

Earlier discussion: What to expect from the budget

The Globe and Mail's Ottawa bureau chief, Brian Laghi, took questions

The budget and the economy

A discussion with economist Dale Orr

The budget: What lies ahead for pensions?

Mercer's Paul Forestell took your questions on pension issues

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