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Does prorogation even matter?

Globe readers leave their audio views on the Parliamentary pause

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Feb. 12: Letters to the editor

The Mounties and Tommy Douglas; real-estate roulette; the Go, Canada! Games; Sex, lies and gender ... and more

Reader comments blog

The Fifth Column

'All you guys who defend cheaters, or think it is irrelevant. Have you been in an intimate relationship?'

Globe readers weigh in on prorogation
Audio comments

Does prorogation matter?

More voices (and a song!) from Globe and Mail readers on Parliament's pause. Join the conversation here

Today’s editorial cartoon


Browse cartoons by Brian Gable and Anthony Jenkins

Tom Flanagan

Fixing the Red Chamber, step by step

Senate reform requires a delicate dance, but Stephen Harper still has a constitutional trump card to play

Lewis MacKenzie

Canadian coverage of the military has failed to pass muster

Reporters have made erroneous conclusions from the case of Colonel Russell Williams

Rick Salutin

Making do with tarnished spectacles – so enjoy the Olympics

One thing that moves us in sports is that those with merit tend to win. This is unlike the rest of life

Jeffrey Simpson

Suppose there was a place the Charter didn't apply …

The rub? Mohawks don't consider they're Canadian

Timothy Garton Ash

Ukraine's not yet lost to Europe

After the Yanukovych reversal, how can the EU help Kiev gravitate toward a freer future?

Lawrence Martin

The U.S. economy is in turmoil. Royal commission?

To redefine Canada's global prospects, we must develop alternative strategies

Editorial cartoonist bio
Anthony Jenkins

Editorial cartoonist bio
Brian Gable
MacKenzie Video Series
Why the markets crashed and burned

John Cassidy on the economic implosion and how we can stop it from happening again

John Cassidy
Globe Essay
Is this Israel's calm before the storm?

Warnings about the price of deadlock with the Palestinians are going unheeded – it may be time to head for the shelters

Globe online poll

For Israelis, will 2010 be a year with ’low probability of war’ and little likelihood of violence?

Interactive Puzzles

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Collected Wisdom
Not a nice name for tourists

Tracking the origins of a mysterious moniker

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