Calgary mayor fuming over cuts in Alberta budget

Calgary Mayor David Bronconnier

Calgary Mayor David Bronconnier Deborah Baic The Globe and Mail

Mayor Bronconnier says he's considering legal action over losing $150 million in funding

Calgary The Canadian Press

Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier is outraged over losing $150 million in project funding in the new Alberta budget and he's threatening legal action.

Bronconnier says Calgary was promised this money three years ago and much of it has already been spent, so any shortfall will put projects in peril.

A spokesman for Premier Ed Stelmach says Calgary and other communities will get promised funding, but over a longer period because of the recession.

Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel says he's not worried about any delay in project funding.

Mandel also says the city expects to have to adapt to funding changes when times are tough, but should also benefit when Alberta's economy turns around.

Bronconnier is asking for a meeting with the premier as soon as possible to discuss the issue.

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