Police find two cars in frigid river, including vehicle of missing Quebec men

Second vehicle an unexpected find in search for firefighters-in-training

The Canadian Press

Police found two submerged bodies while scouring the waters off the shore of Montreal in a search for a pair of roommates who were training to be firefighters.

The tragic find came while investigators searched for Vincent Lamoureux and Hugo Pereira, who went missing a week earlier. Police were led to search the river under the Viau bridge this week when they found traces of car debris nearby.

The victims’ identities were not immediately released. But the bodies were discovered in the same underwater spot where investigators found Mr. Pereira’s car.

Earlier Wednesday, the search took on a surprise twist. Police were looking for submerged car, and they found two.

Const. Anie Lemieux said police were bringing in equipment to drag Mr. Pereira’s car out of the river that separates the island of Montreal from Laval, Que. But before they could do that, they needed to remove another underwater car that was blocking their path.

Police had no immediate information on the second vehicle, Const. Lemieux said. She said it was getting in the way of retrieving Mr. Pereira’s black four-door Acura TL.

“Divers had to retreat because of the danger,” Const. Lemieux said.

“There is a lot of current and ice on the water, and they’ve called for a bigger boat to help the work safely on site,” Const. Lemieux said.

The Sûreté du Québec helped find the Acura in the water with the use of sonar equipment on Wednesday morning.

Mr. Lamoureux, 20, and Mr. Pereira, 22, shared a home in Laval but were last seen in a bar in Montreal’s trendy Plateau neighbourhood on Feb. 3.

The two friends had not been heard from since that night.

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