Zoologist urges council to end zoo's elephant program

Animal rights group enlists leading expert on elephant behaviour in attempt to remove pachyderms from Toronto Zoo


TORONTO From Friday's Globe and Mail

An animal rights group has brought in a leading expert on elephant behaviour in its attempt to remove the pachyderms from the Toronto Zoo.

Joyce Poole, who has studied these animals for three decades, urged city councillors to end the zoo's elephant program. In a letter sent on behalf of Zoocheck Canada, Dr. Poole said the health of these animals is at risk because of Toronto's cold climate and the fact that they remain confined indoors for long stretches.

Her plea comes as animal rights groups and supporters of the Toronto Zoo duke it out over the living conditions at the elephant exhibit following the death in November of matriarch Tara, 41, the fourth elephant the zoo has lost in three years. The zoo is now left with only three elephants.

"The Toronto Zoo should close its elephant exhibit and allow the three remaining elephants to live out the remainder of their lives in a warmer climate in a setting where they are free to roam outdoors and have the possibility of establishing normal healthy relationships among a larger social group," wrote Dr. Poole, who has a PhD in zoology from the University of Cambridge.

"I urge you to use your considerable influence to ensure that these elephants are given a better and longer life. Toronto is no place for elephants."

Animals rights groups say Canada is too cold for animals from Africa. Further, they argue the elephants' enclosures are too small, and concrete floors have caused infections that plague the pachyderms' sensitive feet. The conditions lead to chronic issues, including arthritis and undiagnosed respiratory problems.

But Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, who sits on the zoo board, said that while Toronto is open to receiving suggestions on improving its animal habitat, it will not shut down the exhibit.

He hadn't seen the letter from Dr. Poole yesterday, but suggested that Zoocheck is just trying to shut the zoo down.

"We're one of the best and well-kept zoos around the world. The accreditations are always there for us, and people have always taken the lead from the Toronto Zoo," he said. "We're not going to let an organization like this demean us or discredit us at all. I won't let that happen."

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