Danny Williams released from U.S. hospital

Danny Williams

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams speaks to members of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce in Calgary, Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh The Canadian Press

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier expected to be back on the job early next month

St. John's The Canadian Press

The office of Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams says he has been released from hospital after having heart surgery in the United States.

In a brief statement, a spokeswoman for Mr. Williams said he has left hospital and doctors are pleased with his progress.

But Elizabeth Matthews declined to say whether Mr. Williams has returned to Newfoundland, saying it's not relevant.

Last week, the 60-year-old Williams went to an undisclosed clinic in the U.S. to have heart surgery, sparking a controversy over the state of Canadian health care.

He is expected to be back at work in early March.

Meanwhile, a poll says those closest to Mr. Williams are most supportive of his trip to the U.S. for heart surgery.

A new Canadian Press/Harris Decima survey found 65 per cent of Atlantic Canadians said Mr. Williams's trip south for care was appropriate.

British Columbians were the next most supportive at 52 per cent.

It was a different story in Quebec where just over half of those surveyed said the premier's contentious choice was inappropriate.

Overall, 44 per cent of Canadians supported the premier's decision, while 42 per cent did not.

The telephone survey last week polled just over 2,000 people and has a margin of error of 2.2 per cent, 19 times in 20.

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