New Brunswick MLA flips bird, gets boot

Backbench Liberal ejected for repeatedly making rude gesture toward opposition after being asked to apologize for heckling

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Fredericton The Canadian Press

A member of the New Brunswick legislature was expelled from the house Thursday after he made rude gestures toward the opposition benches.

Backbencher Abel LeBlanc – the Liberal member for Saint John Lancaster – raised his middle finger twice when the Opposition Conservatives demanded he apologize for heckling a Tory.

But Mr. LeBlanc was unapologetic and launched into a verbal attack on the opposition, and specifically Conservative Dale Graham.

“I’ll tell you, Dale. I’ll walk outside with any one of you here. Don’t ever laugh at me. Yes, I gave you that,” he said, raising his middle finger, “and I’ll give you that again.

“And I’ll give you this,” he said, making a fist, “if you want to go outside. You’re a punk.”

The entire exchange was caught on the live televised feed of the legislature proceedings.

Opposition House Leader Paul Robichaud said the original heckling from Mr. LeBlanc during Question Period was directed at Conservative Margaret-Ann Blaney, and that it wasn’t the first time she had been the subject of remarks from Mr. LeBlanc.

“This is unacceptable and a pure example of bullying,” Mr. Robichaud said.

Speaker Roy Boudreau expelled Mr. LeBlanc when he refused to apologize for making the gestures.

Mr. Boudreau is reviewing the incident and could impose further sanctions Friday.

Premier Shawn Graham wouldn’t say if he’ll impose any disciplinary measures of his own.

“I’m extremely disappointed,” Mr. Graham said. “It’s unacceptable in the chamber and the Speaker did make a ruling and asked the member to leave the chamber and that appropriate action was taken.”

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Middle-finger salute in N.B.

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A member of the New Brunswick legislature was expelled from the house Thursday after he made rude gestures toward the opposition benches

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Middle-finger salute in N.B.

A member of the New Brunswick legislature was expelled from the house Thursday after he made rude gestures toward the opposition benches

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