Globe readers weigh in on prorogation
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Does prorogation matter?

More voices (and a song!) from Globe and Mail readers on Parliament's pause. Join the conversation here

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Prorogation primer: Shutting down the House

The House of Commons lies empty on Sept. 10, 2009, a few days before Parliament resumes amid threat of an election.
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House of Commons seat map

While the Parliament is prorogued, we present the latest political landscape

Protest in Toronto on Jan. 23 by Josh Jensen.
From our readers

Your pics from prorogation protests

You sent us your photos from no-prorogation rallies across the country

Spectators line the route of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torch Relay on Feb. 11, 2010 in Coquitlam, B.C.

Parliament on pause

Stephen Harper delivers paen to patriotism in B.C. Legislature

Canadians must not be shy about showing national pride during Olympics, PM says, since country is ready to 'stand on guard for itself'

Parliament on pause

Liberals tie detainee committee to deal on break weeks

Letter sets conditions Conservative ought to meet before changing parliamentary calendar in response to prorogation's 'damage'

Adam Radwanski

Proroguing under the radar

To avoid a Harper-like taint, McGuinty will have the Ontario Legislature break for only a week

Bruce Anderson

Prorogation a curve bender, not a game changer

Ignatieff seems more comfortable, and Harper is maturing - which could make for a different kind of election when it comes

Parliament on pause

Liberals game to work through parliamentary break weeks

But Michael Ignatieff derides Tory move as 'scrambling act' and questions why PM would speak to B.C. legislature when he's shut down his own

Parliament on pause

Tories seek parliamentary extension

Government sets trap for opposition, who must approve request to cancel two break weeks once House resumes sitting

Globe editorial
Silent Parliament, forgotten roots

Stephen Harper's decision to prorogue Parliament is an abrogation of the principles he and his party arose to defend

The Peace Tower is seen behind a sign mocking Prime Minister Stephen Harper during an Ottawa anti-prorogation rally on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2010.
Time to stand up for Parliament

The problem is excessive prime ministerial power – and the solution is legislative restraint on prorogation

The House of Commons mace.
Democracy diminished, accountability avoided

It's a move that undermines the democratic rights of the people

Consensus that should be

The Liberals and NDP have provided a good first draft of prorogation reform. But all four parties should recognize this path as a way to strengthen Canada's democracy

The Centre Block of Parliament sits empty in Ottawa on Jan. 6, 2010.

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Jane Taber, senior political writer

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Brian Topp, shown in August of 2009
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Adam Radwanski
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