Prince Andrew allegedly clips police officer with SUV

British Prince Andrew, Duke of York gives a speech in front of Mexican bussinesmen at the Industrial Men's Club, in Mexico city, on February 10, 2010.

British Prince Andrew, Duke of York gives a speech in front of Mexican bussinesmen at the Industrial Men's Club, in Mexico city, on February 10, 2010. AFP/Getty Images

British police are investigating an accident in which Duke of York allegedly struck a police officer with his car while driving into Buckingham Palace

London The Associated Press

British police are investigating an accident in which Prince Andrew allegedly struck a police officer with his car while driving into Buckingham Palace.

Media reports said Queen Elizabeth II's second son hit the officer as he was driving his four-by-four through the palace gates.

The palace confirmed Friday there had been “a minor incident” involving the prince and said it was a matter for the police.

The Metropolitan Police say an officer had been hit by a vehicle on Constitution Hill, outside the palace, and sustained minor arm injuries.

The force says it is investigating the circumstances of the crash.

The 49-year-old prince is known for his passion for cars. In 2002 he was stopped for speeding in his Range Rover but not charged.

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