Adam Radwanski
Adam Radwanski

Adam Radwanski recently moved to Queen's Park, where he analyzes and reports on provincial affairs for The Globe and Mail. Previously a member of The Globe's editorial board and the Politics Editor for, he was formerly the managing editor of He has worked as an editorial writer and columnist at the National Post and as a columnist for the Ottawa Citizen and The Hill Times, and was the founder of Canada'a first online political magazine. Adam has also written extensively on the arts, doubling as the Post's music critic from 2004-06. He was a 2009 National Newspaper Award finalist for editorial writing, and his blog was among the finalists for a 2008 EPPY award.

Latest Columns:

Proroguing under the radar

To avoid a Harper-like taint, McGuinty will have the Ontario Legislature break for only a week

McGuinty's delay risks turning a shuffle into a stumble

Leaving multibillion-dollar deals, ministers and staff in limbo doesn't make for the most productive work environment

Ten stories that will shape Ontario politics in 2010

Here (in no particular order) are 10 stories that will tell the tale of 2010, and help determine the fate of Dalton McGuinty's Liberals, Adam Radwanski writes

Will McGuinty be able to play the new game?

In the coming year, Ontario's premier will attempt a new style of politics characterized by risk-taking and less spending

McGuinty's government doesn't know if it's coming or going

In their early years, governments are run largely by people who toiled for years in opposition

Talk of selling Ontario assets is not just a trial balloon

Some influential Liberals argue the government should privatize power transmission, liquor sales and gambling

All-day kindergarten: a teachable moment

Ontario's well-intentioned efforts to bring full-day program to poor neighbourhoods first may skew efforts to properly study its impact