Anne McIlroy
Headshot of Anne McIlroy.

Anne McIlroy is the science reporter at the Globe and Mail. She took over the beat after more than 10 years covering politics, including a stint as the Globe’s parliamentary bureau chief. Before joining the Globe in 1996, she covered science and the environment for Southam News and the Ottawa Citizen, where she began her career in 1985.

Latest Columns:

Meet Ardi, a mother to all humanity

Before Lucy there was Ardi, who after 4.4-million years is turning the anthropology world on its ear

Babies born before 39 weeks have lower IQs, study finds

Though they are considered full term, health and intelligence can suffer for babies born after 37 to 38 weeks' gestation

Ontario funding keeps Canada in stem-cell project

Province kicks in $3.8-million over four years on international effort to map how genes work as embryonic stem cells develop

A quantum leap into the unknown

Building a place for top physicists to ponder science's big questions involved complex mechanics and unexpected consequences. And, as Anne McIlroy reports, they're still hoping for their eureka moment

Bad news, and good news, in our emptying oceans

Global study finds dramatic drops in marine life over the centuries, but it also finds hope that some depleted populations can recover