Anthony E. Wolf
Anthony E. Wolf

Anthony E. Wolf, Ph.D. is a practicing child and adolescent psychologist in the Springfield, Massachusetts area. He is the author of six parenting books including the widely acclaimed Get out of my life, but first could you drive me and Cheryl to the Mall? A Parents Guide to the New Teenager. He is currently on the advisory board of The Century Council, a non-profit organization mandated to combat under-age drinking.

Latest Columns:

My teenager caught his dad smoking

He's very angry and has lost significant respect

Parenting teens: A New Year's countdown of helpful advice

10 tips on how to get the year with your teen off to a good start

Cranky teen this holiday? It'll get better

Your once loving child is now a rude, snarly teenager. This too will pass, if you wait long enough. At least, it usually does

When 'this sucks' means 'hi, Mom'

Complaints from your teen may not be as negative as they appear. It's their way of making contact

How to get your teen to clean up their room

If you force your kid to clean up, your victory will be short-lived. Trust that they'll tidy up with time

I used to smoke pot. Can I tell my teen not to now?

Even if you used to toke, you still need to confront your kid - especially if it's posing problems at school

What to do when your teen asks tough questions

When the questions get hot, stay cool

How much should I protect my teen when he screws up?

It's tough not to come to your teen's defence. But you both need to learn that you won't always be there

Skip the motivational talk. Ask how they're doing

It's likely your kids want to succeed at school. You can help by constantly checking in with them and giving them a study routine

Try a little daily tenderness

How to fill that awkward silence: 'I love you.' Your teen will hate it - and love it