Barrie McKenna
Barrie McKenna

Barrie McKenna has been a Globe and Mail correspondent and columnist in Washington since 1997. Before that, he worked in The Globe's Ottawa and Montreal bureaus. He covers Canada-U.S. relations, business, trade, economics and politics. During his U.S. posting, he has traveled widely, filing stories from more than 30 states. Mr. McKenna has also been a frequent visitor to Japan and South Korea on reporting assignments. A native Montrealer, he has degrees from McGill University (history) and Carleton University (journalism). He is also a two-time finalist for Canada's National Newspaper Award.

Latest Columns:

Euro zone woes foreshadow threat of U.S. debt

Everyone who looks at the state of U.S. finances agrees that it's unsustainable. The question is when that reality sinks in. When is the tipping point?

Why the pessimists are worth listening to

Economists say the U.S. is sowing the seeds of the next crisis by propping up ailing banks and encouraging excessive risk with unnaturally low interest rates

Greenback as reserve currency has its drawbacks

Research suggests the benefits of being the world's reserve currency are marginal for most Americans, particularly savers and exporters

Lessons from the U.S. housing collapse of 1926

The U.S. Congress, the Obama administration and the banking industry may be missing the point as they throw themselves into a post-crisis overhaul of financial regulation.

Housing market has big cracks

It is probably a real estate bubble that will eventually burst - two years after the rest of the world

Obama's jobs agenda is understandable, but misguided

Washington can't ignore the unfunded and rising cost of big government social programs, including Social Security for retired workers, Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor, Barrie McKenna writes

Convictions rare in regulators' battle against a near-invisible crime

Prosecutors know insider trading when they see it, but proving it can be a lot tougher

The sorry state(ment) of a former banker

Former Citigroup CEO John Reed insists he's sorry for the bank's terrible year

Big Business under siege

From Wall Street reform to climate change, Chamber of Commerce increasingly at odds with White House

A 'vampire squid' of Wall Street professes his innocence

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein is doing what he can to counter the perception that he and his company epitomize what's wrong with Wall Street