David Eddie
David Eddie

David Eddie was born in Boston and moved with his family to Canada when he was 11. He has a master's degree in English literature from the University of Toronto and a masters in Journalism from Columbia University. He is the author of a critically acclaimed novel Chump Change, and a non-fiction book, Housebroken, translated into many languages. He writes the Globe Life Damage Control column and is currently working on adapting it into a book, to be published by McLelland and Stewart next spring. He lives in Toronto with his wife, three children, two cats, and a dog.

Latest Columns:

I'm back with my boyfriend - but my family disapproves

I understand that their concerns come from a desire to protect me, but whenever I try to talk to them about it, I'm met with hostility

I think my best friend should dump her fiance

I'm her maid of honour. Do I say something or stay silent?

Our kids grew apart – do we have to stay friends with the other couple?

So your sons morphed into metalhead and nerd. You – and your son – can be friends with whoever you want

I hooked up with the friend of my on-and-off crush. What do I do?

Call me old-fashioned, but a "hookup" is still plain cheating in my books

My friend won't stop talking about his sex life

I don't even want to introduce him to my boyfriend because of it. What do I do?

Mom hated my Christmas gift – what do I do?

Turn to understanding family members to resolve this preserved fruit fiasco

My husband's parents insist on staying over when they visit

But we don't want to spend so much time with them. What do we do?

Is it okay not to invite my siblings' mates to Christmas dinner?

My apartment is tiny but my suggestion, unfortunately, has been greeted with a boycott by my siblings. How can I appease the whole gang?

A junior staffer is sabotaging our office holiday party

Can I penalize his behaviour as an employee even though it's a volunteer effort?

Christmas with my family is more hassle than it's worth

Why should I feel obligated to drag myself hours away to something so cheesy?