Derek DeCloet

Derek DeCloet has been writing about business and finance for the past eight years. He joined the Globe and Mail in 2003 and in September of that year began writing Vox, the paper's popular investment column. A graduate of Carleton University's journalism program, he previously worked for the National Post and Canadian Business magazine.

Latest Columns:

Shaw grabs a bargain

And it may give an edge in the fight to come

For old media, iPad is not The Answer

Far from magical, it could turn out to be a mixed blessing

More uncertainty in the U.S.

American voters may like what Obama says about banks, but for investors, it's another story

'Twas the night before Christmas (Great Recession edition)

A holiday tale, Bay Street style, brought to you by Derek DeCloet

Naughty or nice?

A gift list for the rich, wicked and reckless

Climbing out of debt hole won't be easy

Economic growth unlikely to get rid of deficit pile

An iPhone app for everyone

What if Canadian wireless junkies could have a set of applications worthy of our fractious media industry?

Caprice no way to run the telco game

With its move , Ottawa has opened a whole new can of worms

A climate skeptic's guide to fun and profit

Donald Coxe pitches the most outrageous, politically incorrect investment idea of all: How to profit from global cooling

As dollar tumbles, America is up for grabs

Era of foreign acquirer seems to be getting closer