Elizabeth Renzetti
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Elizabeth Renzetti has worked at The Globe and Mail as a columnist, reporter, and editor of the Books and Review sections. She is currently a member of the Globe's London bureau and The Globe and Mail's European arts correspondent.

Latest Columns:

England’s wannabe WAGs are having a very foul week

Their dream - to meet a Premier League player, fall in love, and end up holding a fuchsia-themed wedding

The play’s the thing – or is the playwright?

Antonia Fraser's book about her late husband Harold Pinter is shattering a few myths

Let the cougars roam free

Older women, younger men. The dirty secret is that they've got it made

London musical satirizes terror threat

What happens when reality outstrips satire? Jihad! The Musical

Italy's reality is a vita not so dolce

Forget Nine. The Tuscan sun shines only in our dreams

Pam Anderson's London invasion

Ticket sales aren't the only thing soaring at Pammy's Xmas panto

In our own image, but made of Lego

Those little plastic bricks have a myriad of uses, from guns to metaphors

Damien Hirst: counting on our thick skulls to sell art

Bad-boy artist cashes in on our denial of mortality

In Roald Dahl's curmudgeon's cave

Elizabeth Renzetti visits the habitat of a children's author who saw adults for what they are: the enemy

Today's pretty woman? She's a summa cum hottie

We have a strange obsession with glamorous pop-culture prostitutes when the reality is quite different