Ivor Tossell

Ivor Tossell has been writing columns about online culture for The Globe and Mail since 2005. A reformed web programmer, his writing on urban affairs, technology and culture has appeared in Canadian publications ranging from very glossy to downright inky. He lives in Toronto.

Latest Columns:

The iPad: Our shiny new ball and chain

Within a couple of months, we’ll be able to piss away time on the Internet everywhere

Islam is ... verboten on Google

Google Suggest happily reflects users’ derisive queries about every other religion, but when it comes to Islam, it’s mute.

All that's old is Numa Numa again

Even as technology transforms communication, the stories we love to hear don't really change

Facebook topples the privacy façade

New rules make it simpler for users to guard their information just as social site becomes much more public

When gamers become recruiters

When everyone else on the block has a virtual pig, you want one too

Online lives rewiring coffee shop culture

It turns out that technology doesn't make people antisocial – people who use the Internet are more likely to have a larger cadre of real friends

Using FourSquare is like shouting, ‘Hello, world, here I am!'

Web service broadcasts location via phone GPS

‘Augmented reality' comes to an iPhone near you

It's like the real world, but with subtitles

On the Web, forever
has a due date

If GeoCities -- once the most popular face of personal Websites -- can disappear, what about YouTube, Google Docs and Facebook?

Yo Kanye, I’mma let you have the best meme of all

Kanye West’s Video Music Awards outburst has sparked an interminable string of mash-ups, ranging from political to tasteless to absurd