John Reese
John Reese is founder and CEO of and Validea Capital Management, and portfolio manager for the Omega American & International Consensus funds offered in the Canadian market through National Bank Securities.

John Reese is founder and CEO of and Validea Capital Management, and portfolio manager for the Omega American & International Consensus funds offered in the Canadian market through National Bank Securities.

Latest Columns:

What drives stock prices? It may surprise you

About two-thirds of the stock market's returns are the result of inflation and dividend payments

PSR: A sales sign that shows hidden value

Three picks show how the price/sales ratio can more ably reveal a firm's stability than the widely used price/earnings metric

Pass on junk and stock up on quality

The risky stocks may look more promising for big gains, but here are three blue chips that can provide the same

The intricacies of ‘buy what you know'

Are the companies behind the hottest holiday gifts worth a look for investors?

Putting stocks through the PEG test

Price-to-earnings ratios tell only part of the story, according to Peter Lynch. Factoring in growth provides a much more valuable tool

Looking to 2009 laggards for next year's leaders

Four bargains in the utility, health care, and consumer staples sectors

Graham's strategy still stands tall

Father of value investing and security analysis offers a steady, long-term strategy that sill applies today

Earnings surprises should come as no surprise

Analysts are consistently off in their earnings forecasts, so a more reliable gauge of future growth is a firm's past earnings, says John Reese

Ask Buffett: If inflation comes, stocks are best bet

And here's the stocks you should look at if you're worried about inflation