Judith Timson
Judith Timson

Judith Timson is an award-winning freelance journalist and author whose writing about politics, business, social issues and popular culture has appeared in many of Canada’s leading magazines and newspapers. After writing columns in The Globe’s ROB, Careers and Focus sections, she began a weekly column in the Life section in late 2007.

Ms. Timson , who attended the University of Western Ontario, began her career as a reporter for the Toronto Star, and then joined Maclean’s magazine , first as its Vancouver correspondent, and then as a senior writer in Toronto. For 14 years, she wrote a popular column in Chatelaine about the foibles of modern family life, which in turn led to her 1996 book Family Matters.She has received a Southam Fellowship, the Fiona Mee Award for Literary Journalism, and several National Magazine Awards. She lives in Toronto.

Latest Columns:

Giambrone and Williams: one farce, the other horror

The week’s two most-talked-about stories had us pondering hidden lives

Who are we on the streets? Half pedestrian, half driver – all dumb

In the wake of a rash of traffic-related deaths in Toronto, cities need an attention-grabbing safety campaign

Does watching Haiti’s pain change us?

Absorbing the Haitian horror on TV each night, I can’t help wondering if there will be any lasting or profound effect on viewers

Game change? It’s just the same old sexist bull

Unhinged! Crazy! Opinionated! Too much trouble! In the new tell-all book, Game Change, that’s the depressing depiction of women in politics

Resolutions for the famous, powerful and problematic

Everyone – even Stephen Harper, Tiger Woods and Conrad Black – could benefit from a New Year's resolution

Don't just seize the day. Seize all possible joy

We could make list after list about the decade, but it's the personal milestones that resonate most

Need some recommended reading?

I can't guarantee you - let alone your Aunt Helen - will love any book. But here are a few non-fiction favourites

Divorcing Tiger? You go, girl

Tiger Woods may be the athlete of the decade, but he's a disaster of a husband

My (angst-ridden) year was fabulous!

We may well need a decoder to suss out the real meaning behind this year's holiday chit-chat

Forget Tiger's privacy. What about yours?

In this oversharing world, we have gone a long way toward sacrificing our own privacy and violating everyone else's