Leah McLaren

Leah McLaren has been a national columnist and feature writer with The Globe and Mail since 1999. From 2002-2004 she served as London correspondent, and was nominated for a National Newspaper Award for her work there.

Her first novel, The Continuity Girl, published by HarperCollins Canada and Warner US, was an instant national bestseller, spending nine weeks on the Globe and Mail bestseller list.

Her screenplay, Abroad, based on her experiences as a Canadian reporter in London, was produced and shot as a feature-length television movie for CBC television last year, starring Liane Balaban. Leah is currently developing the ongoing series for CBC and is simultaneously at work on her second novel for HarperCollins.

Her writing has also been published in The Sunday Telegraph, The London Evening Standard, The Times of London, Fashion, Flare and Report on Business and the Spectator.

Leah attended McGill and Trent Universities and graduated with an honours degree in English Literature. She was born in rural Ontario, grew up in a small town and now splits her time between Toronto and London, England.

Latest Columns:

My advice to married women out there: Suck it up

To all the singles ladies, I add: Put a ring on it (while you can)

So you thought Generation X was angry?

My generation and those younger than us have been robbed of our rightful inheritance

Where did café culture go?

Old-school coffee lovers are trying to reclaim the once-sociable culture of the café

I'm looking forward to buying my online news

The newspaper industry is coming to the slow realization that no one else will value you if you don't value yourself

When did you get so smug, Canada? Not cool, man

Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not polite to brag?

This month, I'm abstaining from abstinence

Increasingly, we live in a culture that promotes the January detox as a balm to body and soul, but really it is a sign of our increasingly conflicted relationship with alcohol.

My new year's resolution? No more red meat

But don't get me wrong, I have no interest in becoming a vegetarian

Hell isn't other people: It's other people discount shopping

We should all make like New Brunswick and put a kibosh on the horror that is Boxing Day shopping

Why are we calling on an ex-call girl for relationship tips?

In the Era of Perpetual Advice it's no surprise Eliot Spitzer's call girl is now an advice columnist

I'm not on your Christmas card list this year? Cool

It's not that I have a problem with people being nice to each other. What I object to is good people making bad people feel worse