Lysiane Gagnon
Lysiane Gagnon

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Latest Columns:

Give Danny Williams a break

No one, not even a premier, should have to sacrifice his health to politics

This take on crime is irrational

The death penalty back in vogue? Canadians' fears are disconnected from reality

Extending family in a time of crisis

Quebec's government has decided to open the door wider to Haitian immigrants

Our Haitian connection

Our Haitian connection

Although Haiti is an island of misery in the prosperous northern hemisphere, the links with Quebec are old, close and solid

The Road to simplistic moralizing

The Road to simplistic moralizing

Best of the decade? A sign of the times, perhaps

Cultural pitfalls of the season

A group of Montreal merchants created a stir with ‘Happy December'

Planetary birth control gone mad

Adopting China's one-child policy won't save the Earth

A dose of skepticism is healthy

I'm perfectly willing to trust the climate experts. But isn't doubt an integral part of serious research?