Patrick Brethour
Patrick Brethour

Patrick Brethour writes each Friday on business issues from a western vantage point. The National Newspaper Award nominee is the the Globe and Mail's British Columbia editor, heading a bureau of 14 journalists.

He was previously Alberta bureau chief and a Report on Business correspondent, arriving in the province just as the oil boom began in 2002. Previous to that, he was a technology reporter and editor for the Globe in Toronto, launching a weekly technology section in the midst of the dot-com boom.

Latest Columns:

The (not so sweet) smell of success

Turning human waste into fertilizer

The Great Recession knocks B.C. down

B.C.'s construction industry folds in on itself

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for B.C. journalism

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The pursuit of P3 happiness

But large projects requiring a consortium of financiers are having a rough time

Tail-end of the B.C. housing tailspin looms

Sales and prices are still dropping, but at a slowing rate