Tim Cestnick

Tim Cestnick is managing director at WaterStreet Family Wealth Counsel and author of 101 Tax Secrets for Canadians.

Latest Columns:

Unlock locked-in money for greater flexibility

Seniors, take note: You can work with the maximum withdrawal limit on your pension savings

Viva the inter vivos trust

It can sprinkle income into the hands of other family members who pay tax at lower rates than you do

Have you had the (tax) talk with your teen?

Don't miss out on RRSP contribution space

Trading liquidity for certainty with an annuity

Raise your after-tax cash flow in retirement, preserve your capital, boost your returns after tax and remove interest rate risk from your portfolio

Timely advice if Uncle Sam beckons

A primer on when you should be thinking of taxes south of the border

What last year's tax changes will mean to you in 2010

Use that home renovation credit. And don't forget about those TFSAs either.

When advance RRSP donations make sense

A look at tax technology that can save a senior thousands of tax dollars

Procrastination is good when it comes to timing income

Put off the tax hit with these simple tips

Charitable giving can help others - and yourself

Tips on how best to make the gift that keeps on giving

Got heirs in the U.S.? Establish your own dynasty

The right way to leave assets to heirs who may be U.S. citizens or residents