Earlier discussion

A revolutionary MS treatment?

CTV's medical/health correspondent Avis Favaro took your questions

Globe and Mail Update

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This week, the CTV program W5 and The Globe and Mail reported on a new theory that multiple sclerosis is a vascular disease that could be treated with simple surgery. It's the theory of Paolo Zamboni, a professor of medicine at the University of Ferrara in Italy. He believes there is a condition, which he has dubbed chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency, that is the underlying cause of MS. That departs from the current thinking, which sees MS as an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks myelin, a fatty substance that coats nerve cells.

We are pleased to welcome the CTV correspondent behind the W5 feature The Liberation Treatment: A whole new approach to MS for an online discussion Wednesday, Nov. 25 at 11 a.m. ET.

Medical/health correspondent Avis Favaro will take your questions about her documentary and the treatment described by the president of the MS Society of Canada as "exciting" and "potentially paradigm shifting.

Join the conversation on this page Wednesday. You can also leave a question in advance through our comment function.

Ms. Favaro joined the CTV news team in 1992 and has been nominated since then for an impressive 12 Geminis, winning once for a unique story on an experimental cancer treatment developed in Winnipeg in the 1940's. Most recently, she and W5 producer Brett Mitchell won a gold medal at the 2005 New York Film and TV festival for a documentary on a novel treatment for multiple sclerosis.

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