Mental Health and the Internet

Why the screen often beats the couch

Web-based technologies are revolutionizing mental-health treatment and care, André Picard reports. Patients can feel more empowered – and time-pressed doctors get a little help of their own

Elizabeth Carvalho, Joel Zablocki, Jeremiah Bach and Lucy Costa attend a Mad Student Society meeting.

Students and Mental Health

'Mad' and proud of it

Offering peer support and challenging social stigmas about mental illness, the Mad Student Society adds a touch of politics to the mix

Louise Bradley, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Mental Health Commission of Canada

Earlier discussion

Can we win the fight against mental illness?

Removing the stigma will help those suffering from mental health issues

Michelle Blanc

Sexual-Identity Disorder

"It was a modern coming-out"

After her sex change, Michelle Blanc says she 'desperately needed to talk to other people like me."

58-year-old Ricardo Maddalena, who suffers from severe schizophrenia and has struggled with alcoholism since his teens, finally found a home four years ago after spending four decades in fleabag apartments, a psychiatric hospital, prison, rooming houses and on the streets.

Breaking Through

‘I've gone through a metamorphosis'

Stability is the key to managing mental illness, experts suggest. André Picard looks at a Montreal project that puts housing first, providing troubled homeless people a stable home of their own

Latest In Breaking Through


Mental Health Resources: National

Mental Health Resources: By Province

Glossary of Mental Health Terms

A class that teaches hope

A course for people with ‘very serious mental health and addiction problems' aims to give them the skills to live a ‘near-to-normal' life


In praise of 'electroshock'

The treatment is regularly administered – and still hugely controversial. But patients with severe depression swear by ECT

Antidepressants: A primer

Patients often try several medications before they find one that works for them.

Helping the survivors heal

Families ‘need to find a healthy way to grieve'

Women's Mental Health

When motherhood isn't a joy

More than 10 per cent of new mothers suffer postpartum depression, but most try to hide the problem. André Picard talks to women who eventually got help – without medication

Should pregnant women take antidepressants?

New research suggests the answer is no

Why women are twice as likely as men to be depressed

Between puberty and menopause, depression is predominantly a woman's illness, with rates two times higher – or more – than men.

Getting help for postpartum depression

Dr. Valerie Whiffen took your questions on women's mental health

Creativity and Mental Health

How Robert Munsch grabbed a lifeline

The popular author says getting treatment for bipolar disorder helped his creativity

Laughter is the best medicine

Mental health expert David Granirer on using comedy for education and therapy

Mental health in the movies

Mental illness and electroconvulsive therapy in popular culture


How life began at 70

Seniors, even those with long-standing mental illnesses, can get better and thrive. “We need to reach out and help, not just abandon people to mental illness because they're older”

Powerful stigma prevents seniors from seeking help

Older adults are under-diagnosed and under-treated for mental health problems

Ending stigma and challenging myths

Life transitions such as retirement, loss of a partner and chronic medical conditions can increase a person's risk.

Children and Teens

The top seven youth disorders

About one in five children and adolescents suffers from a mental, emotional or behavioural disorder that is severe enough to seriously affect the young person's daily functioning at home, school or within the community.

Talking about mental health

Should you be concerned about your teen?

Who's at risk

As early as the first year of life, there are indications that some children have more risks than others to develop high levels of depression and anxiety

No one-size-fits-all solution

Diagnosed at age 10, David Klein finally found a cure in in the wilderness

Homelessness and Mental Health

Contentious, but experts say it works

For some substance abusers, abstinence is unrealistic so it is best to try to reduce the harm caused by substance abuse rather than focus on stopping the substance abuse outright

Home for a rest

Scenes from the Chambreclerc shelter in Montreal

By the numbers

Homeless people have become a fixture on the streets of urban centres in Canada, but they are just the visible tip of the iceberg of a major social problem.

From Our Archives

'We must never give up'

Psychiatrist David Goldbloom talks about the stigma surrounding mental illness and some essential first steps in changing things for the better

Mental Health and the Workplace
When the office gives back

Most people hide their condition at work, but André Picard meets two people who chose a better path

Sandy Naiman would sometimes disappear from work for months at a time, then have to return to the workplace. She was a long-time employee of the Toronto Sun and now teaches at Seneca College and blogs on mental health.
Did you hear the one about comedians and mental illness?

For Big Daddy Tazz, laughter and lithium are the best medicine

Big Daddy Tazz
Breaking Through: Therapy
Comfort in the silver screen

TIFF's Reel Comfort program eases the burden of patients struggling with mental illness

Handout of actresses Ellen Page and Olivia Thirlby in a scene from the film 'Juno'
Anti-Psychiatry Movement
For this activist, the only good treatment is no treatment

“I was not a ‘mental patient' but a political prisoner of psychiatry,” says Don Weitz

Don Weitz believes 'all psychiatric labels are a fraud - they're forms of character assassination.'
Kevin Van Paassen/The Globe and Mail
Children and Adolescents
The fine art of recovery

Many believe mental-health problems are life-long afflictions. Experts disagree, and student Bronwyn Loucks' remarkable rebound proves their point

Bronwyn Loucks, who once suffered from depression and anxiety, is now 20 and recovered.
Seniors and Mental Health
Recovery is possible

“I believe it. I see it. I live it,” says Karen Liberman. “People, no matter how sick they are, can fully, fully recover at any age and have full, rich, productive lives.”

Karen Liberman, diagnosed with bipolar illness, leads the Mood Disorders Society of Ontario.
Karen Liberman

If you seek help and get treatment, you can and you will get well

Karen Liberman
Valerie Pringle

Getting help early makes all the difference

Valerie Pringle
Sean Miller

Recovered from a four-year depression after receiving an experimental procedure

Sean Miller
Wayne Cho

Is running across Canada to raise awareness about anxiety and depression

Wayne Cho
Ivor Concellos

Began to hear voices at age 13, and received the help he needed for schizophrenia.

Ivor Concellos