Event guests play with the new Apple iPad during an Apple Special Event at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts January 27, 2010 in San Francisco, California.

Accessory makers, app developers have high hopes for Apple's iPad

Market created for iPod, iPhone add-ons now firmly focused on tablet device


iPad costs $229 to produce, says iSuppli

Group conducts ‘virtual teardown,’ says display most expensive part

In this Feb. 9, 2009 file photo, the Kindle 2 electronic reader is shown at an news conference in New York. says it will give in to publishing giant Macmillan and agree to sell electronic versions of its books even at prices it considers too high.
Weekend War

Arrival of iPad gives publisher clout in e-book pricing

After temporarily ceasing sale of Macmillan’s titles, Amazon agrees to raise prices


E-book price war could hit Amazon bottom line

After Macmillan successfully renegotiated terms with online retailer, other publishers may follow suit

In this Jan. 27, 2010 file photo, the Apple iPad is examined after its unveiling at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Wireless wary of iPad's 'iHog' effect

'I'd be very, very surprised to see anyone do a $29.99 Canadian unlimited data price,' says one analyst

In this Feb. 9, 2009 file photo, the Kindle 2 electronic reader is shown at an news conference in New York. says it will give in to publishing giant Macmillan and agree to sell electronic versions of its books even at prices it considers too high.

Amazon gives in to Macmillan on e-book pricing

After temporarily ceasing sale of Publisher’s titles, online retailer agrees to raise prices

In this Jan. 27, 2010 file photo, the Apple iPad is examined after its unveiling at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Apple's own approach to iPad e-books could confuse

Publishing industry wants ebooks to be able to migrate from one reader to another, but with the iPad, they can’t

Apple's iPad tablet

Lesser-known iPad apps: bra inserts, shoulder pads

Canadian maker of polyurethane devices gets boost from brouhaha over Apple iPad name

The 13.4mm-thick (0.5-inch) and 730-gram (1.6 lbs) iPad tablet has a 9.7-inch LED display, 1024x768-pixel resolution and comes with a 16, 32 or 64 Gb flash drive.
It's an iPad, get it?

The life and death of the iPad joke

Yes, the name does resemble a sanitary product. Apple’s new tablet showed how quickly a joke can die on the Internet

Blog Post
95918288Event guests play with the new Apple iPad during an Apple Special Event at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts January 27, 2010 in San Francisco, California.
Globe on Tech

So what does a Canadian iPad user look like?

A timely survey by Kaan Yigit paints a picture

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Apple iPad

Now that it's out, do you think the iPad has lived up to the hype?

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