Boyd Erman
Boyd Erman

Boyd Erman is a long-time business journalist who has worked at Dow Jones, Bloomberg, and the National Post before joining the Globe and Mail. Over the years, his areas of coverage have included economics, monetary policy, debt markets and corporate finance.

In addition, he is a regular commentator and guest host on Business News Network.

Latest Columns:

As insults fly, U.S. business lending suffers

For banks, being creative might be a small price to pay to get the Obama administration off their back and earn back public trust

Bond rally, like all things bullish, is destined to end

The thing about bonds is that, unlike stocks, there's a finite limit on capital gains

Central bankers: Beware the meddling politicians

Any self-interested politician would be predisposed to lean on the central bank to keep interest rates low and inflate debt away

At $90-billion over 10 years, the banks protest too much

Asking for a little payback now and then doesn't seem so outlandish

For how long will Canada play the loonie righteously?

For now, Canada can afford to remain on the side of the free-market angels, but the strong loonie can cause much pain

TMX chief sheds his local politesse

Tom Kloet is now going after the inherent conflict of interest presented by the country's big securities firms owning Alpha

TD investors need straight answer on property loans

Depending on the size of the loan relative to the value of the building and any other collateral, TD could be looking at losses

Long-thawed ABCP market simmering to a boil

Hedge funds snap up notes in elusive search for double-digit returns

Stirrings of revolution on the Street

Amid estimates that some at Bay Street firms could be in line for as much as $10-million in pay after a hot year, some of the bank bosses are looking to cut back

Banking industry should take cue from Big Tobacco

The purveyors of credit need to sell it responsibly