Brian Milner

Brian Milner is a senior economics writer and global markets columnist. In a long career at The Globe and Mail, he has covered diverse business beats, including international trade, the automotive industry, media, the debt markets and banking. He spent two years as an associate managing editor in the Report on Business, before becoming The Globe's New York bureau chief in 1994. From his vantage point in the world's financial capital, he covered the greatest economic and stock market boom in modern history, as well as a raft of U.S. political, cultural and social topics.

Mr. Milner first began writing a markets column called Taking Stock in late 2000, before joining the editorial board in 2003. He resumed writing the column on a weekly basis in 2007 after returning to the ROB. He is the author of a best-seller, The Hidden Establishment (Viking, 1991), which profiled secretive, wealthy immigrants. He is an award-winning magazine writer and has also written a history of Toronto for a popular guide book. And in his spare time, he has ghost-written and edited books on economic, social and sports subjects. The best known is Shifting Gears (Harper Collins 1993), one of the first books to examine the impact of the technological boom on the economy. He is a frequent commentator on radio and television.

Latest Columns:

There's no GPS on this market road trip

You can't look at equities from a short-term perspective: Think the way a pension fund would

Brace yourselves for the next wave of the bear market

If the ‘January barometer' proves accurate, the next 11 months will see stocks slide further

The 'nuts-and-bolts guy' behind Obama's fix-it plan

Paul Volcker, the 82-year-old former Fed chief, has long insisted that deposit-taking banks have a duty to safeguard public assets

Flat revenues a sign of long road ahead

Corporate heavyweights show only modest profit as struggling banks slow to gain traction

We can all get a bit irrational but that's totally predictable

‘I don't know where people are getting this deep belief in the rationality of institutions and markets,' Duke professor says

Bill Miller: Still stepping up to the plate

Legg Mason's Bill Miller has lived the highs and - after a disastrous 2008 - the lows as a value manager, Brian Milner writes. But last year was a hit, and he's bullish on 2010

A warning from a stock market bull

Beware the policy makers, says Legg Mason's Bill Miller

Grading the world's central bankers

Two years of unprecedented activism by the major central banks played a crucial role in rescuing the global financial system. But even they say we're not out of the woods yet

A bear's advice for 2010

'Stay very close to home, because Canada is likely to do better than most places,' says Satyajit Das

It's tough to be a naysayer when the numbers keep getting better

But the doomsayers are a hardy lot, and they have been getting a little help from central bankers