Neil Reynolds

Neil Reynolds is an Ottawa writer whose columns on national economic issues appear Wednesday and Friday. He is the former editor-in-chief of The Vancouver Sun and the Ottawa Citizen.

Latest Columns:

Humanity's rise from poverty slays the naysayers

Although economic crises wiped out considerable wealth, they appear not to have hurt those in the developing world as much

Coal to wood: A powerful plan for Ontario

Using wood pellets instead of coal reduces emissions by 91 per cent

Profit motive is the solution to CO2 emissions

Can supply-side economics solve global warming all on its own? Probably

Democracies (U.S. in the lead) to the rescue

In Haiti, Americans are far more generous than Canadians

Brutal economy of 1700s has an eerie similarity

A central bank and a brilliant central banker, easy credit and novel financial investments, high taxes and expansive state debt

Obama's interventionism eroding U.S. prosperity

His grandiose legislative ambition has become the partially free economy's biggest debt problem

Free-market reform admits Chile to the club

A tip of the hat to the legendary Chicago boys, who overhauled Chile's statist economy

A dose of economic freedom will help heal Haiti

For all practical purposes, throughout its history, Haiti had prohibited commerce. And it's hard to survive without it.

The mythical assertion of fossil fuel scarcity

We have at least enough to run till 2050 at a minimum, more probably through 2080 and perhaps through 2100

High debt? Say goodbye to growth

The world confronts an extended period of debt-induced slow growth at a time when governments will face pressure for huge increases in social spending