Rob Carrick

Rob Carrick has been writing about personal finance, business and economics for close to 20 years. He joined The Globe and Mail in late 1996 as an investment reporter and has been personal finance columnist since November 1998. You can follow him on Facebook at Rob Carrick – Personal Finance.

Latest Columns:

Love is a four-letter word. So is RRSP

This week's edition has tips for RRSPs as well as a roundup of personal finance advice related to Valentine’s Day

Cash in a cookie jar?

Advisers are coaxing market-wary customers back into stocks. But they are taking only tiny steps, and into the lowest-risk products

It's not the mortgages, it's the borrowers

A one-size-fits all tweak to lending rules isn't the answer; the industry needs to focus on ability to pay

Twelve funds for your RRSP and TFSA

We sifted through more than 11,000 mutual funds and ETFs to come up with a dozen options worthy of consideration

Low risk, high growth come together in 2010

Last year's winners were often high-risk, no-profit stocks in the mining and energy sectors; expect the opposite this year

Post-traumatic stress investing

Canadians are still holding on to their cash, watching a stock market rebound that's been nearly as astonishing as the plunge that preceded it. And they are still rattled

The case for dividend stocks in uncertain times

Get out of cash and buy some. Many dividend-paying companies have actually increased the amount of cash they pay each quarter

ETFs play follow-the-leader to mutual funds

Fresh products are all well and fine, but better marketing of the sector's existing lines would make more sense

DIY investors: Watch out for fees that bite

Small investors too often pay big fees, but a little research goes a long way, writes Rob Carrick

The ABCs of ETFs

Rob Carrick makes sense of the alphabet soup out there in his weekly personal finance reader. Plus: The renting a home versus buying debate and the story behind the return of Gordon Gekko