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Poor civilians flee Pakistan's assault on Taliban

From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

Locals direct their anger toward the army as homes damaged, villages flattened in bid to rout militants from Buner district ...Read the full article

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  1. Kenneth Williams from Ottawa, Canada writes: The article read like a Taliban press release. Surely, the Globe & Mail can do better than buy dressed up story from a Taliban sympathizing stringer? T

    here are other reports from Pakistan that the Taliban in Buner are holding 2000 civilians as human shields. Contrary to Saeed Shah's report, civilians are not "getting caught in the cross-hairs" due to the army's operations, but rather, the Taliban terrorists are deliberately placing the civilians there.
  2. Geoffrey May from Canada writes: This is a real shame. One of the weaknesses of military power , is that an army trains to fight another army, not well armed criminal gangs .As a result , armies bomb ,shell and strafe, causing more damage to civilians and civil infrastructure, than to the criminal gangs .In Pakistan there also exists the problem that the ISI and military have supported the Taliban in Afghanistan, and may actually see the rise of the Taliban in Pakistan as serving their interests.What a shame.
  3. Willy Kyote from Canada writes: I have read a number of this writer's articles and fail to see where anyone could accuse him of being " a Taliban sympathizing stringer "

    C'mon people - get a grip

    Not everyone from Pakistan is a terrorist
  4. Man of La Mancha from Canada writes: Kenneth Williams from Ottawa, Canada writes: The article read like a Taliban press release. Surely, the Globe & Mail can do better than buy dressed up story from a Taliban sympathizing stringer?

    Kenneth is typical of the knee-jerk reactionaries who see everything in black and white - you're either for the Terrorists or against them. Read the article Kenneth - then comment, okay?
  5. Ali Abbas from United Kingdom writes: The article is balanced and insightful - as are all the articles I've read by Saeed Shah. Given Mr Williams' tenuous grasp of the English language, I can only assume that he's unaccustomed to reading quality journalism.

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