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The anxiety of living on suicide watch

A Miramichi family works full-time at the exhausting task of keeping Peter safe from himself



How a typical teenager was stolen away

For months, Jesse's parents hoped it was just 'a rough patch.' But by late spring, he was clearly psychotic



When social interaction sets off full-blown panic

Gail Andrews sees the enemy: a scowling version of herself critiquing every word from her mouth

Obsessive compulsive


Meet an adolescent dedicated to speaking out

While trying to combat OCD, Alyse manages to earn top grades, do volunteer work and pursue her passion



Compassionate responses to crippling conditions

Dr. David Goldbloom explains why people with mental illnesses face stigma and what can be done about it



He switched on the light — then fell into darkness

Bill Wilkerson led a campaign to transform the way corporate Canada saw mental illness in the workplace. Then he unexpectedly slipped into crisis himself.


Freedom to be sick leaves families feeling chained

Caregivers who can't get mentally ill loved ones to seek help grapple with laws designed to protect civil rights


The loneliness of the psych ward

Many psychiatric patients never see a family member or friend at their bedside. Guilt, shame, fear and sometimes simply exhaustion can keep loved ones away, but for people enduring long stays in a mental hospital, those visits are a vital lifeline


My list: 10 things to do improve mental health care in Canada

A long-time advocate for people with mental illnesses gives his prescription for curing what ails mental health care in this country


When mental illness tarnishes your golden years

Members of an older generation struggle to overcome not only their own biases against seeking care for mental disorders, but the lack of services


New charity to take aim at mental illness

‘A national charity and a national army of volunteers are critical if we want to keep mental illness out of the shadows forever,' says head of Mental Health Commission


Psychiatry: A specialty relegated to the basement

Mental health patients and the medical professionals who treat them face discrimination every day


Slim chance for parole from a prison of the mind

It was a federal program meant to get mentally ill young offenders into treatment and out of prisons and lives of crime. It could decide the future of Canada's youngest violent criminals, including an Alberta girl who murdered her parents and brother. But five years after its creation, the IRCS system is hamstrung by restrictive laws and scarce health-care resources, critics say


Raising a child with a mental illness

A 10-year-old's violent rages force her parents to send her away. A Grade 1 girl is too terrified to sing O Canada at school. Over 800,000 families deal with childhood mental illness, often without help.


'Discrimination eats away at you - and increases your chance of mental illness'

It's a unique challenge: Diagnosing and treating immigrants with depression, anxiety and other diseases of the mind. Columnist Margaret Wente talks to a renowned British psychiatrist who's come to Canada to help


Editor's note

Speak your mind – and erase a stigma

Mental illness is a pervasive presence in almost all of our lives


Video Feature


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The orphans of medicare

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The Scottish solution: 'Look good but feel crap?'

Scotland is tackling mental illness head on, thanks to new legislation and high-profile, public-awareness campaigns

Prisons: 'The mad and the bad'

Canada often saddles mentally ill people with a double stigma, cycling them through the justice system without treating their underlying disorders

The troubled workplace: The working wounded

Employers are doing a poor job of accommodating people with mental illnesses and it's costing Canada $51-billion a year

Into Sight, Into Mind: The heartbreaking truth about Anne's creator

Kate Macdonald Butler reveals a long-held secret about her grandmother, one of Canada's most beloved authors, Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lucy Maud suffered 'unbearable psychological pain'

But there's 'a much wider context for understanding' final note found on bedside table of Anne's creator, biographer says

Strengthen the role of mental health patient advocate

Avoid using restraints, coroner's jury urges after death of schizophrenic who was tied to bed

A lost opportunity with tragic consequences

Paranoid schizophrenic's family doctor, psychiatrist worked steps apart – but there's no record they consulted each other

Grisly killings expose system's failure

He was hearing voices and cried for help. When no one answered, he butchered them

Mental illness - past or present - is not a crime

But discriminating against people with mental illness is



Patient John McCutcheon wears a Stereotactic frame which allows the surgeons to reach a specific point with accuracy in the brain during DBS (Deep brain stimulation) surgery.

Mending a broken mind

What does sadness sound like? 'Cells firing five to 30 times per second'

Profile: Hockey star lends his name to campaign

Daniel Alfredsson was inspired to challenge the stigma around mental illness, attaching his high-profile name to a public awareness campaign




'At the Asylum'


Share your story

Has mental illness affected your life or that of a loved one? Share your experiences with readers and let us know what single change in society or policy would help the most. The Globe will send all of these messages to every member of Parliament in Canada, in hopes they will help to break down the stigma of mental illness.

Featured reader photos


Face it. Fund it. Fix it.

In Breakdown, The Globe and Mail documents the enormous, unaddressed cost of mental illness to Canadian individuals, families and society. The series closes with a search for solutions.


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