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Wednesday, February 3, 2010 2:39 PM EST

On This Day In History: February 3, 1916

Firemen battle a blaze on Parliament Hill, February 3, 1916. (William James Topley / The Canadian Press / National Archives)
Firemen battle a blaze on Parliament Hill, February 3, 1916. By William James Topley / The Canadian Press / National Archives. [Audio]


Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:44 AM EST

In Quotes: ABC Campaign

The southside of Union Station in Toronto, October 6, 2008. (Fred Lum / The Globe and Mail)
Premier Danny Williams: "At this point, I'm not sort of getting out on any ABC campaign. We've been there, we've done that. And that's not even a matter that even comes up for discussion now between myself and the Prime Minister." [News] [Previously]

File Photo: The southside of Union Station in Toronto, October 6, 2008. By Fred Lum / The Globe and Mail.


Friday, January 29, 2010 5:42 PM EST

PETA Protester Pied

Emily Lavender, from the animal rights group PETA, continues her protest after being hit with a cream pie by a counter-protester in St. John's on Friday. Ms. Lavender was protesting the annual seal hunt outside a city hotel where Prime Minister Stephen Harper was making a speech. PETA took credit earlier this week for hitting federal Fisheries Minister Gail Shea in the face with a pie to protest her support for sealing. (Andrew Vaughan / The Canadian Press)
Seal-hunt opponent hit with pie [News] [Video]

Photo: Emily Lavender, from the animal rights group PETA, continues her protest after being hit with a cream pie by a counter-protester in St. John's on Friday. Ms. Lavender was protesting the annual seal hunt outside a city hotel where Prime Minister Stephen Harper was making a speech. PETA took credit earlier this week for hitting federal Fisheries Minister Gail Shea in the face with a pie to protest her support for sealing. By Andrew Vaughan / The Canadian Press.


Friday, January 29, 2010 8:22 AM EST

Then & Now: Liberals On The GST

Illustration by Brian Gable / The Globe and Mail.
Sept. 23, 1989: The GST is "an attack on the weaker regions of the country, regressive, against the lower income groups, invisible, sneaky and of course ... an administrative nightmare." — Liberal Leader John Turner

Nov. 28, 1989: "Mr. Speaker, the goods and services tax is a stupid, inept and incompetent tax." — Liberal MP Paul Martin

April 4, 1990: "I would abolish the GST.'' — Liberal MP Paul Martin

Sept. 27, 1990: "I want this tax dead.'' — Liberal Leader Jean Chretien

Oct. 29, 1990: "I am opposed to the GST. I have always been opposed to it, and I will always be opposed to it. It is a tax that is both regressive and discriminatory." — Liberal Leader Jean Chretien

Nov. 19, 1990: "We will continue to oppose the GST and the tax won't be long in place when the Liberals win the next election." — Opposition Leader Herb Gray

Feb. 11, 1993: "I say we will replace the tax. This is a commitment. You will judge me by that. If the GST is not gone, I will have a tough time the election after that." — Liberal Leader Jean Chretien

1993 — Liberal Party Red Book: "A Liberal government will replace the GST with a system that generates equivalent revenues, is fairer to consumers and to small business, minimizes disruption to small business, and promotes federal-provincial fiscal co-operation and harmonization."

May 2, 1994: "We hate it and we will kill it." — Prime Minister Jean Chretien

Aug. 11, 1995 — The Canadian Press: "On Wednesday, [Prime Minister Jean] Chretien said the replacement for the GST will be announced in the federal budget, though he didn't provide details."

Nov. 1, 2007 — The Canadian Press: "[Liberal Leader] Stephane Dion's suggestion that he might one day increase the goods-and-services tax had some of his Liberal troops shaking their heads Wednesday."

Dec. 18, 2008: "So I'm not going to take a GST hike off the table later. I just think it'd be a bad idea now in a recession." — Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff

Jan. 29, 2010 — Liberal MP calls for debate on increasing GST

Illustration by Brian Gable / The Globe and Mail.


Friday, January 29, 2010 6:46 AM EST

Grassroots Fury? No Spring Election

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff gestures as he answers a question from the media on Thursday. (Pawel Dwulit / The Canadian Press)
Polls not enough to entice Ignatieff into election [News] [Charles Adler]

Photo: Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff gestures as he answers a question from the media on Thursday. By Pawel Dwulit / The Canadian Press.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010 2:55 PM EST

Dept. Of Apologies: Er, Sorry

A member of the Liberal caucus wears a pin during a news conference in Ottawa on Monday. (Chris Wattie / Reuters)
Liberal MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj: "I sincerely regret these comments. I would never trivialize a Minister's visit to Auschwitz and especially on the 65th anniversary of its liberation. Had I been fully informed, I would not have made these comments." [News] [Previously]

Photo: A member of the Liberal caucus wears a pin during a news conference in Ottawa on Monday. By Chris Wattie / Reuters.


Monday, January 25, 2010 6:03 PM EST

Audio: Grassroots Fury

Grassroots Fury

Corus Radio's Charles Adler on the 'media event.' (Corus / CJOB 68)

Download (.mp3)


Monday, January 25, 2010 7:34 AM EST

Grassroots Fury? 0.08% Protest

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff speaks to protesters on Parliament Hill during a anti-prorogation protest on Saturday. (Pawel Dwulit / The Canadian Press)
The Globe and Mail: Media estimates of the crowds at demonstrations in 13 of Canada's biggest cities ranged from about 10,000 to 14,500. Former NDP press secretary Ian Capstick, compiling figures from protesters, journalists and bloggers, estimated that protests in 32 communities, including New York, exceeded 27,000. [News] [Adler] [Previously]

Photo: Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff speaks to protesters on Parliament Hill during a anti-prorogation protest on Saturday. By Pawel Dwulit / The Canadian Press.


Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:09 PM EST

Grassroots Fury? 300 Protest In Montreal

The Peace Tower is seen behind a sign of Prime Minister Stephen Harper during a anti-prorogation protest in Ottawa on Saturday. (Pawel Dwulit / The Canadian Press)
300 attend prorogation rally in Montreal [News] [No Crow For Dinner]

Photo: The Peace Tower is seen behind a sign of Prime Minister Stephen Harper during a anti-prorogation protest in Ottawa on Saturday. By Pawel Dwulit / The Canadian Press.


Saturday, January 23, 2010 7:33 PM EST

In Pictures: Toronto, Ontario

Protesters brave the cold to demonstrate against Prime Minister Stephen Harper's decision to prorogue Parliament in Toronto on Saturday. (Chris Young / The Canadian Press)
Protesters brave the cold to demonstrate against Prime Minister Stephen Harper's decision to prorogue Parliament in Toronto on Saturday. By Chris Young / The Canadian Press. [News] [Adler]

Blogolitics Contributors

Globe and Mail blogger Dan Cook

Dan Cook

Dan Cook is a writer, blogger, broadcaster and raconteur.

"Cook is the cold faucet of Canadian politics. We count on him for the cold shower of truth." — Charles Adler, Corus Radio

"God bless Dan Cook." — Pierre Bourque, Bourque Newswatch

"He makes politics fun." — Andrew Carter, CJAD

"Dan Cook, who oversees the Globe and Mail's top-notch web-watch ..." — Warren Kinsella, National Post

"Dan Cook strikes again!" — Will LeRoy, National Newswatch

"... Ottawa's inherent absurdities shine through in his choices of topic and treatment." — Paul Wells, Maclean's

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