Street Party

Flash mob hits Vancouver

Choreographed dance routine closes Robson Street; hundreds cheer them on

Wendy Stueck

Vancouver, BC Globe and Mail update

After a day that saw violence hit Vancouver's downtown, the streets were disrupted again Saturday afternoon - but this time the public action drew mostly smiles.

A crowd of hundreds jammed more than a block of Robson Street for a choreographed dance routine. The dancers, organized by charitable group Imagine One Day through Facebook and other social media, performed to cheers from friends and curious onlookers drawn to the site – on Robson west of Thurlow – by the crowds. Just before the dance was scheduled to begin at 4 pm, a city bus made its way through the assembled crowd, its strained-looking driver moving at a snail's pace down the block. Police were at the scene but didn't interrupt the routine, which lasted only as long as the song, Dancing in the Streets by Martha and The Vandellas.

The event drew an estimated 2,000 people, more than had been expected, according to Imagine1Day spokeswoman Sapna Dayal. “It was a really good way to bring people together in a fun, community way,” Ms. Dayal said.

Organizers said the routine – which followed several practice sessions held over the past few weeks – was held to promote awareness of Imagine One Day's projects, which focus on education for children in Ethiopia.

So-called Flash Mobs have taken place around the world and in Vancouver have included performances such as silent discos – groups of people dancing to music they listen to over headphones – and pillow fights.

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