Reader pics

More of your winter weather photos

Zachary Dayler sent us this photo: This is a bike I came across in Ottawa that was frozen on the side of a building.

Zachary Dayler sent us this photo: This is a bike I came across in Ottawa that was frozen on the side of a building. Zachary Dayler

Keep sharing. We'll compile and publish our favourites on

Globe and Mail Update

Editor's note: To view captions and credits on photos in the above Flickr gallery, click the expand button (four arrows in a box) and choose "Show info" from the top right menu

With much of Canada in winter's grip, it's time again to share your photographs of snow-draped landscapes, foggy harbours, ice fields and winter play.

Send us your best weather photos. We'll compile and publish our favourites on in the weeks ahead.

There are two ways to share:

1. If you're on Flickr, join our group:

2. Upload with our online tool:

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