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UPDATED AT 12:14 PM EST Friday, Apr. 15, 2005
Gamers at an internet cafe in Beijing. The government has created a league for gamers where they play for glory and cash.
Photo: Fred Lum/ The Globe and Mail
Gamers at an internet cafe in Beijing. The government has created a league for gamers where they play for glory and cash.
Video games have gained equal status with such traditional athletic contests as table tennis and gymnastics
11:49 PM | FULL STORY Key
A new Chinese empire is rising, one that looks outward instead of in. Emboldened by 25 years of pell-mell economic growth, China is bidding to become a great power again — perhaps the great power
7:01 AM | FULL STORY Key
Hong Kong, the traditional beachhead for Western businesses, has lost some of its cache. Peter Nowak reports.
12:14 PM | FULL STORY Key
As countries rush to tap world's largest market for trade, exiled Tiananmen protesters say it has never been more dangerous
2:03 AM | FULL STORY Key
With tacit state approval, reports, xenophobia has reared its ugly head — and Japan is the primary target
12:51 AM | FULL STORY Key

More Columnists Insider Exclusives
Eric Reguly
Is China really so scary? Key
Edward Greenspon
Day by imperceptible day, China creeps into our lives Key
Margaret Wente
Here is how you cross the street in Beijing Key

It is China's biggest, most glamorous and capricious place, and it's changing at maximum velocity. It's a model of communism, of capitalism, of progress and of decadence. In a city of 17 million people, everything is true at least part of the time.
4:40 PM | FULL STORY Key
Geoffrey York
Geoffrey York. China's rural poor are on the brink of revolt as they labour under a system of rampant capitalism and corruption
1:27 AM | FULL STORY Key
Jan Wong
Jan Wong. There are too many Wongs, Wangs, Chans and Chens on the bus, so I become Passenger No. 8. And how bad can a 'luxury' three-day tour across Eastern Canada be?
3:02 PM | FULL STORY Key
John Barber
John Barber. From workrooms tucked in alleyways to massive factories, this coastal city's entrepreneurial spirit churns out goods for China and beyond -- and most are privately run
6:27 AM | FULL STORY Key
Marcus Gee
Marcus Gee. After decades of repression, the country is easing up on its artists, bringing a flood of work that is experimental, provocative and often simply weird
2:37 PM | FULL STORY Key
Rod Mickelburgh
Rod Mickleburgh. Using economic and political pressure, China tries to persuade Tibetans to leave the past behind
6:31 AM | FULL STORY Key
Margaret Wente
Margaret Wente. The Mas are the quintessential Chinese clan circa 2004...
7:05 AM | FULL STORY Key
Gordon Pitts
Gordon Pitts. For the venerable metals firm, China is no low-cost ghetto. It's the high-tech future.
4:15 PM | FULL STORY Key
Ian Brown
Ian Brown. As Western fashion labels move in on brand-besotted China, domestic designers want their share of the garment biz.
3:31 PM | FULL STORY Key
Michael Grange
Michael Grange. 'I'm careful. I don't sell to just anybody'
5:35 PM | FULL STORY Key
In photos
China in pictures
China in pictures
China in photos

In audio
Three members of The Globe and Mail's China team discuss their experience with the emerging superpower 

In history
Mao announces Chinese Republic 
Trudeau gets down to business quickly in Peking 
China mourns the death of Mao 
Beijing massacre spurs new clashes 

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